Season 4: Episode 147

34 19 13

Source: Wikipedia

"A Clash of Fate: You Can't Bring Me Down"

"Mizuki is determined to make Naruto and Iruka suffer, and it appears like he has the upper edge with his improved strength and speed. Meanwhile, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru are at their limits, and now Fujin and Raijin are free. That is until Tsunade shows up and defeats them both easily. Fujin and Raijin surrender and agree to return peacefully to the institution. Mizuki, on the other hand, has converted all his speed to power and is preparing to finish Naruto off. But Iruka thinks up a plan and traps Mizuki, giving Naruto the chance to use the Rasengan on him. Mizuki reverts to his original form, badly damaged, when Tsunade shows up and explains everything about the potion Mizuki took. Mizuki will no longer be able to fight as a shinobi. Iruka offers to treat everyone at the ramen bar and thinks about how Naruto saved his life the same way he had saved Naruto before."


The following analysis will not only explain what happened in the episode. It will also look at the downfall of Mizuki because he remained a static character who refused to learn from his mistakes.

Mizuki is determined to make Naruto and Iruka suffer, and it appears like he has the upper edge with his improved strength and speed. Intense music with a mix of an electric guitar starts to play in the background when Iruka realises that Mizuki's level of chakra is unbelievable. Mizuki is also fast and strong, as he believes that he has become unstoppable. He is so driven by power to the extent that he tosses his fiancée Tsubaki aside when she is trying to convince him to stop. Naruto's Shadow Clones are also ineffective against Mizuki's improved strength and speed.

As the battle continues, Mizuki strangles Iruka while holding him up on a tree. A dialogue takes place between them:

Mizuki: You'll never be like me. All your life, you have just been some insignificant teacher who allows your village to use you like a puny pawn. You're jealous of the way I live. I know you want my power, but even if you practice for 100 years, you'll never be able to learn it!

Mizuki hits his head, and Iruka lands on the ground. Mizuki went on to say:

Mizuki: This is only the beginning of my wrath. I'm going to get even stronger than this. Soon, Orochimaru will share his hidden jutsu with me.

Iruka: You don't honestly believe that's going to happen?

Mizuki: Huh, I'm getting tired of you acting like you know everything. I think it's time to end all this just like old times, only this time I'm gonna finish you off once and for all. Ready to say goodbye?

Mizuki is delusional to believe that Orochimaru will share his hidden jutsu. Moreover, he is also delusional in believing that Iruka is jealous of his so-called power. This power has gotten in his head and made him arrogant. Therefore, his arrogance will eventually lead to his downfall.

Back to the dialogue: Mizuki throws a huge kunai at Iruka, but Naruto saves him. The kunai landed on Naruto's back; hence, there is a sad atmosphere, as Iruka said:

Iruka (perplexed and teary-eyed): Naruto why?

Naruto slowly looks at Mizuki: Mizuki, don't you lay another hand on my sensei!

Mizuki laughs wickedly: This is also perfect, nothing ever changes, not even down to the smallest detail. One exception I'm different this time. The only reason I was defeated in our last meeting was because I underestimated that conniving demon fox.

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