The Celebration Of A False King

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Megan POV

Sitting in the pupils, I held Kylie's hand as the lace from my funeral hat covered my face..

Hiding my face from the guest swarming the church, his body in the casket made me sick as people cried over him.

Keeping my head down, the rest of the people that came to see him finally sat down as the pastor of the church walked up to the panel..

Sorrow filled the church as a few cries and a few sobs echoed around. The lace from my hat covered me well because I could not bring myself to cry like everyone else..

Pastor:..I want to welcome everyone here today. I know we are meeting on..sore circumstances but I know that he would not like for us to cry. I know that he would not like for us to feel sorrow today." he said taking the mic.

Walking down the few steps, he stuffed his hand in his pocket as he looked over at his lifeless body.

Pastor:..Jerome was a good person. Not easily understood but very convincing when you got to know him." he said as I lifted my head. It felt like everyone's eyes were on me and my daughter as we sat there as outsiders.

Pastor: Jerome was a caring man, a man who strived to better himself to make the lives of his peers, family and friends better."

Pastor: He was a man who never gave up, a man who saw the best in everyone." he said.

Pastor: What happened to him was a tragedy but he wouldn't want anyone thinking about how he passed."

Pastor: He would want everyone to think about the things he did, the people he helped."

Pastor: He would want all of us to smile in his good grace. Remembering him by the thousands of young men and women he influenced."

Pastor: The communities and people he helped. He would want all of us to smile at the fact that he did exactly what he was supposed to do." he preached.

Pastor: We are all placed on this earth for a purpose and he completed everything his purpose had for him. If you are anyone that knew him well, then you know he is contempt with himself."

Pastor: You know that he is smiling down at us, seeing all the people here today." he pointed.

Pastor: Look around you.." he cooed to the crowd.
Turning my head slightly I watched as everyone gazed at one another like he told them to.

Pastor: Everyone in here is here and well because Jerome made it so. Everyone you see, Jerome has touched in his own way and instead of focusing on his death, focus on the good he has done for each of you."

Pastor: Jerome was one of the good ones and as much as it might pain you to do so, I know he would want you guys to remember his impact and not ever remember his death." he said as those words chilled over me.

Pastor:...Jerome lived a life in the light, he never let things get to him. He never let himself become full of rage or anger. He helped others out of their darkness and celebrated them when they made it."

Pastor:..And now we celebrate him. We celebrate the man, the honorable King that he was and all his forever good glory." he ended. A few cries of joy and painful praises to the lord escaped into the church.

Flashes of his body laying on our backyard haunted me as a woman who looked just like him got up on the stand.

??: Hello everyone." her sweet voice said.

Her glossy red eyes scanned the piece of paper in her hand as she could not bring herself to read what was on it. The facial features and the paleness of her skin let me know that this was Jerome's mother.

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