Simplicity & Complexity

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Trey POV

I watched as the warm breeze blew her hair out of her face. Sitting on the picnic blanket across from me, watching her eat her food was amusing.

Not amusing in the way that I was making fun of her, but amusing at the fact that every time she took a bite of her food her eyes fluttered like she was having an orgasm.

Megan: Babe?"

Me: Yeah?"

Megan: Is there more chocolate covered strawberries." she asked kindly.

Me: Yea baby girl." I chuckled as she smiled.

  Siting up on her knees, she used her knees as feet to come over to the basket I packed for us. Coming down on her hands and knees, she looked into the basket as she noticed the box full of them.

Beaming down at them, she took one as she sat back on her ankles to eat it. Eating it gently, she fell in love with the fucking strawberry as I grew jealous.

Me: Aight now." I warned.

Me: Stop making them faces like that." I said as she blushed.

Megan: Have you tried them?"

Me: Yeah, I had a few."

Megan: Amazing right?"

Me: M, they are strawberries covered in chocolate."

Megan: Exactly." she loved as she went for another one. Shaking my head at her, I pulled her onto my lap easily as she ate it.

Megan: I am not to heavy am I?"

Me: M, don't start asking me stupid questions." I asserted as she got comfortable on my lap.

Snuggling into me, the peace of the park we came to last year consumed us as we let the sun soak in.

      It was quiet out here, harmonious.

When I asked Megan to take her on a date, I did not mean to dinner or anything fancy like that. I figured she would like something like this, something were it was just us two again in a consumption of silence.

  Leaning the back of her head against my chest, I moved my chains out of the way so she would not be uncomfortable.

Me: Are you good?"

Megan: Yeah." she said sweetly.

Megan: Are you?"

Me: Yeah." I said back.

Me: How you feeling about your Charity launch tomorrow night?" I asked as she smiled small.

Megan: I feel good, I am excited to be the host." she mumbled a little.

Me: Those men ever contact you?" I asked as she slowly sat up.

Megan:..No, they never said anything else after I left." she said as I stared at her back.

Megan: It's okay though, I know what I need to do and so do they. It is no need for us to talk."

Me: I hear that, I still don't like how them niggas disrespected you." I hissed a little.

Me: Made me wanna break them off.." I looked away as she turned to me.

Megan: Well, I am glad you didn't."

Megan: I am glad you didn't go after them like I asked." she smiled straddling my lap.

The belly bump protruding from her made me smirk as it touched my chest as she got comfortable.

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