Squeaky Clean, By The Book

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Megan POV

Hissing, I trembled as he bit me.

Making sure his teeth sunk into my skin, he bit his teeth into my soft flesh earning a whine from me.

Arching my back from pleasure and pain, I pushed him off as I got on top of him. Latching my lips to his, I bit him this time.

Cutting his lip deep, he growled angrily as he grabbed my throat and sat up. Slamming my back back onto the bed, he overpowered again as he wrapped his hand around my neck.

Hovering over my lips, we stared at each other angrily as his fingers trailed down my body. Sliding their way into my panties, I didn't break our hateful eye contact as he felt his hands through my wetness.

Sliding his fingers down, I held my breath as began to rub me perfectly. Yesterday, we never made up after our heated argument.

I was still mad at him and he was still mad at me. However, earlier this morning he came into the guest room to "talk" to me.

Slipping his middle finger inside of me, my eyes fluttered as he slipped his pointer finger in as well.

Pumping them in and out of me slowly, he watched as I fought against his guilty pleasure. Stonewalling him, my body gave me up as she oozed to the feeling of his fingers inside of her.

Rolling them around, he slipped them out as he brought them to his lips.

Smelling them in front of me, he sucked me off of his fingers as I watched him. Sucking them clean, he placed his hand around my jaw.

Me: Get, off of me." I hissed. 

Trey: Ion wanna be on you." he hissed back as I curled my lip with disgust.

Letting go of my face, he trailed his hands back down as he gripped the lining of my panties. Balling them into his fist, he ripped them as my body jerked.

Yanking them from around me, he threw them down as I propped my leg up for him. Undoing his boxers, his member came out as I could feel it pulsing at my entrance.

Looking down at it, I looked back at him.

Me: This changes nothing."

Trey: I don't give a fuck." he growled as he slowly entered.

Stuffing himself inside of me, I could no longer hold my angry wall up. My eyes fluttered to the back of my head as he filled me out.

The feeling of him entering felt so good as I cursed him for it. Getting all the way, I dug my nails into his arm as he began to stroke. Stroking me slowly, I submitted regretfully. 

Me: I hate you.." I whispered.

Ignoring my hiss of hatred, he latched himself into the cusp of my neck as I whined. Biting down, he bit me hard on purpose as the pain from his puncture was masked by the strokes of his hips.

Digging my nails into him on purpose, he cursed in my neck as he sped up. Teetering my eyes into the back of my head, I hated that I was enjoying the feeling he was giving me right now.

I wanted to be angry, I wanted to be scornful.

Him coming in here and just taking over me like he wasn't the asshoke he had always been annoyed me but like always, I let him win.

Kissing alongside my jawline, he kissed my lips as I let him. Sucking my bottom lip, he caressed it carefully as he flipped us over.

Laying on his back, he held my hips as I took over. Keeping my eyes closed, I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction that I was enjoying this.

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