Don't Get Caught, Okay?

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Megan POV

Ms. Wiley: Ooo! Then we can have the ceremony at Capital again!" she raved as I stared out the window.

Rubbing my ring finger, the empty slot were the ring use to be stung me in the chest as she continued.

Ms. Wiley: I can get the boys association, I can get the.." her voice traveled elsewhere as I thought about the dismantle I caused yesterday.

I never meant to go off on Trey the way I did but I couldn't control it. It was like he did not understand how much danger, how much trouble he was putting himself in.

The more the days ticked by, it was like he was oblivious to the fact that people were watching him.

They were waiting on him to mess up and the moment he did they were going to take him. He was piling crime, after assault, after battery, after murder onto his already filled to the brim rap sheet. He was adding to the chaos he already ensued and it was like he did not care.

Court was only months away and the strict rule he was given was to behave.

Killing Howard, killing Cohen..
How did he not think that it would get tied back to him?

Yes, Bleu most likely had his trial in the bag already.

Before it even begins, Bleu has probably already won him his freedom. The thing was though, even if he did it wouldn't matter.

With the rate Trey was going, it wouldn't matter that Bleu got him off he was still going to be sent to jail for murder.

He was still going to be taken away. Trying to shake my thoughts out of this depression, Ms. Wiley clearing her throat helped me.

Ms. Wiley: Megan??"

Me: Mm?" I turned to her.

Ms. Wiley: Did you hear what I said?" she asked as I flustered.

Me: Y-Yeah, that works. I can ask him and we can have the event there." I pretended as she smiled small.

Coming over to me, she sat down carefully.

Ms. Wiley: You alright?" she asked lovingly.

Ms. Wiley: Your minds been array every since you got here." she teased as I looked down. Rubbing my belly, I blamed it on my unborn child.

Me: Just feeling a bit sleepy today." I gestured to my belly as she looked down at it. Placing her hand on it, she rubbed it kindly as I smiled.

Ms. Wiley: Pregnancy is a longing journey." she laughed as I did.

Me: Tell me about." I smiled as I brought my hand without the ring into view. Noticing it, she carefully poked the empty space as I stiffened.

Ms. Wiley: No ring?" she worried as I plastered a fake smile.

Me: Yeah, Trey's just getting it resized for me. Pregnancy fingers." I lied as she knew it.

Grabbing my hand into hers, she rubbed it soothingly.

Ms. Wiley: Relationships are tricky." she said as my fake smile went away.

Ms. Wiley: It is how you deal with them that matters." she educated as something clicked. Squeezing my hands gently, she patted my leg as she stood up.

Ms. Wiley: I will make sure to send you all the invitations for the Charity event. Maybe we can talk then on adding the other associations afterwards." she stood as I rose to my feet.

Me: I'm sorry." I winced.

Me: My mind is all over the place."

Ms. Wiley: I understand." she smiled grabbing my hands again.

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