Honey, I'm Home...

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Anthony POV

The sound of the garage door opening made me expect another argument as I typed on my computer. Rolling her bags into house, the garage door closed soon after as her shoes clicked on the floor.

It had been a few days since our last encounter and the last time we spoke was dramatic in my opinion.

   She left to be with Karlie who was apparently "traumatized" after the situation at the warehouse.

    As pathetic as the woman was, she just wanted attention. Her ass was knocked out the entire time, she only saw what happened to Leon and with how hard June hit her, I would have thought she had forgotten the whole situation.

She was egging it for attention and nothing more.

Making her way to my office, I kept myself occupied with my computer as Renee came around the corner.

Stopping infront of me, I glanced up at her as she had a look of regret on her face. She looked like she missed me as well as a kind smile greeted me before her voice did.

Renee:..Hey." she said softly.

Me: Wassup." I mumbled as I went back to my computer.

  Leaning her bags against the wall, she stood in front of me in silence for a little bit before stepping down into my office.

  Eyeing her now, she fiddled her fingers as she took a seat in the lounge chair I had up against the wall.

She didn't say anything at first, she played around with her acrylic nails as if whatever she wanted to talk to me about was impractical.

Me: Did you have a good time?" I broke the ice as she looked up at me.

Renee: Yeah..we watched movies and just talked." she said softly.

Me: That's good, Karlie doing better?"

Renee: Yeah, she's better now." she answered.

  Nodding my head, I turned back to my computer as she sat up. Moving her hair behind her ear, she cleared her throat a little.

Renee: The things I said before I left.." she began as I sat back.

Renee: I am sorry."

Renee: It is just that, I know how Trey is." she worried.

Renee: I know that the moment he doesn't need you anymore, he is going to come after you. It won't matter to him that you helped him find who hurt Bleu, he will still try to kill you."

Me: You don't think I know that Nee?" I asked nicely as she gazed at me.

Me: I know how that nigga moves, I know how he is." I said.

Me: But in the moment and that time, none of that shit mattered. Me and he's issues didn't matter because Bleu was hurt and as much as we want to kill each other, getting rid of the people who got to Bleu was all we both cared about."

Me: The whole time I was helping him, I was careful." I swore.

Me: I had my eye on him the whole time and all that man cared about..all he cares about right now are the people that tried to kill Bleu, Ki and Megan."

Renee: But when he finds all of them, he is going to start coming back after you."

Me: Yeah, I know."

Renee: That doesn't bother you?" she frowned.

Me: Trey has been trying to get rid of me for a while now, I ain't worried." I grinned a little.

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