MCA: Megan's Charity Association

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Megan POV

          Fixing the green and white shirt under my outfit, I twirled in the mirror once more. From my ginger colored hair, it matched nicely with my green outfit as my silver metallic Dior purse completed it.

Looking at my belly bump, I was trying to make sure it looked good with the outfit.

It was not like I could get rid of it even if it didn't, but I still wanted it to look decent.

Trey: You never fail to make my dick hard." he complimented as I rolled my eyes.

Me: Do you have any nicer compliments that are not vulgar?"

Trey: You look gorgeous." he smirked as I blushed.

Me: You think the hair change is too much?"

Trey: Na, I like it. It's yo style." he chuckled.

Trey: You can pull off any hair color, so you look perfect." he said again. Thanking his kind words, the bathroom door opened again as Kianna came in.

Kianna: Are you ready? People are starting to come in." she said as I shivered a bit.

To clarify, I was hiding in the capitals downstairs bathroom. The nerves were extra high for me because I was already hormonally increased.

Me: Yeah, let me just pee." I covered as Trey sucked his teeth.

Trey: You just peed at the house baby."

Me: I am pregnant Trey, I have to pee alot." I whined. Curling his lip in nonbelief, he walked out the women's bathroom first.

Trey: The fellas and I will be back, when we come back I better see you upstairs with your guest." he warned as he walked down the hall.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled it with stress as Kianna came all the way.

Me: How many people is it?"

Kianna: A lot." she winced as I bit my lip.

Me: I did not know I would be this nervous." I worried.

Me: I am so use to going to this stuff as Trey's woman, not the other way around and now he is leaving." I said as she came up to me.

Kianna: He is leaving because he does not want to take the attention away from you M."

Kianna: He want's you to start the night off."

Me: How do you know that?"

Kianna: He told Bleu." she smirked. Shaking my head, I looked back in the mirror as I played with the curled bumps at the end of my bob.

Me: Drita's here?"

Kianna: Yeah, she is upstairs letting everyone in." she told.

       Glancing back at the mirror once more, I sighed as I needed to get over this fear. It was I who wanted my own thing and now I had it and I was scared to face the people apart of it.

Kianna: You'll do great." she smiled in the mirror behind me.

Smiling at her, I took my purse from the counter and turned for the door. Walking out of the bathroom, we made it to the elevators and up to the fourth floor as I held my breath.

Dinging us onto the floor as the doors opened, loud classical music played as familiar and unfamiliar faces walked around the room.

As promised, Trey had catered to my event nicely as waiters walked around with trays of drinks and finger foods.

Walking off of the elevators, I immediately spotted the food table as guest were lined up to fill their plates.

Cersi's calming face behind the serving table gave me a sense of relief as she noticed me and winked.

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