If You Do This..

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Megan POV

Bleu: Stop right here Cee." he said as a Ceelo pulled the car around. Stopping outside the precinct, I huddled the window close for him.

Me: They let him go right?"

Bleu: Yeah, he's coming." he reassured as I nodded briefly.

  Waiting a few more minutes, the doors opened for him as he came around. Glaring at the officer holding the door for him, he walked down the steps as the door closed behind him.

  The white tank top he had on before he left was stained with blood, rubbing his wrist he shook the soreness from the handcuffs away.

Rolling the window down, his irritated face lightened up at the sight of me. Smiling at him, he smiled back as he came over.

Me: You look rough."

Trey: Ain't no pressure." he teased back as he kissed me. Cupping my face, he rubbed his thumb over my eye again before kissing it and getting in.

Ceelo: Good to have you back bro." he said as Trey climbed in the backseat next to Bleu.

Trey: It was a few nights, I won't gone that long." he snorted as Ceelo laughed.

Me: We missed you." I loved as he smiled.

Trey: I missed y'all pretty faces too." he loved back.

Driving away from the station, I kept my head down as the sight of police officers heightened my anxiety.

Bleu: Did they accommodate you?"

Trey: Now you know them niggas didn't." he hissed a little.

Trey: They were trying to bitch me but it was all cool I won't tripping." he said as we drove home.

Bleu: Nigga you was in there for the whole weekend, and they ain't accommodate you??"

Trey: I beat their Captain half to death, them niggas didn't even look my way." he hissed as Ceelo drove.

Sighing to himself, Bleu sat back as Trey reached his hand around the passenger's seat head rest. Lacing his fingers with the side of my face, I missed his touch as he caressed me.

Trey: What the doctors say?" he asked as I turned to him.

Me: I have to keep it in the brace when I leave the house and keep it wrapped when I'm at home." I said.

Trey: They give you any medicine?"

Me: Just some pain meds." I shrugged.

Trey: You been taking them?"

Ceelo: Psht, no." he said as I glared at him.

Me: I don't like how they make me feel." I snipped as Ceelo avoided my stare.

Trey: Well you need to get use to them, if it starts hurting you need to take them." he said.

Not arguing with him back, I faced forward as we soon arrived home. To be honest, my ankle was hurting now but those pills made me so sleepy.

  They made me shut the world out and after what happened with those officers that was exactly what I did not want.

Every time I went to sleep, what happened to me on that side of the road kept playing in my head.

The feeling of the concrete slicing and cutting my stomach, the sound of Kylie Screaming for me..

It played in my dreams, a recurring nightmare I believe it is called. I hated going to sleep now and those pills sent me right to hell.

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