I Miss The Old Kanye..

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Trey POV

Kollin: You passed it right?"

Me: Yeah."

Kollin: The Europe Cad one too?"

Me: Yeah." I said staring at her.

Kollin: Alright so that's another $25K then."

Me: Yeah." I said as she smiled.

Sitting in my office I watched her through the open doors as she spoke with Mrs. Wiley. Hanging out in front of the elevators, there convo seemed energizing and well needed.

    They seemed to be amused by one another as Megan looked better since we got back home. We had gotten home late the day before and the next was back to work.

  Knowing everything that she did, it was a bit easier on my plate even though I still needed to keep my eye on her.

    Tate was getting those tapes for me and Anthony seemingly did not know it was her who told Karlie to tell Renee. I knew once he found out, my eyes would never be able to leave her.

Watching her smile only grow bigger, a hand waved in my face as I glared over at Kollin.

Me: What??"

Kollin: Did you hear what I said nigga?"

Me: Yeah I heard you." I snipped as he scrunched his face in disbelief.

Kollin: What I say then?"

Me: You asked if that was another 25K and I said yes."

Kollin: Aight what I say after that?" he pressed as I looked at him.

Thinking that my subconscious remembered for me, I cut my eyes away as he gloated in his ego.

Kollin: I said stupid, if that's 25K that you just made that means you need 3x that if you are going to recreate the gap you had last year." he said as I looked at him.

Kollin: Crunching all the numbers together, you need about $75,000 more to be back in the lead for that first place title." he reported looking down at his paper.

Me: Aight, that's easy." I shrugged.

Kollin: I mean it is if you count out all the other things you have on here."

Me: Other things like what?"

Kollin: Court fees, Hospital fees, Megan's Charity, Dividends Opening, your wedding." he said as I looked at him.

Kollin: The lowest thing on here is M's Charity fees and those are starting at 10k." he stressed as I sighed.

Me: What about the others?"

Kollin: I haven't gotten started on the others yet, but I know they are going to be a lot more than M." he said again.

Me: I mean money ain't the issue, ion know why you stressing about that."

Kollin: I am not stressing about you not having the money Trey. I am hinting at the fact that if you plan on having the lead and keeping the lead up to Carrington you need 75K by August."  he looked at me.

Kollin: With all these expenses it's going to be very tricky for you to catch back up to him before he makes a wider gap between y'all."

Me: What's his networth?"

Kollin: As of now, it is 800 million. You are at 750." he said as I snarled lowly.

Kollin: With everything going on it makes sense why you went down a bit.." he mumbled as last year me and Carrington were tied.

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