To My Lady, My Baby.

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Trey POV

Staying at the carnival to have some time with Megan before we left, I mourned her laughter as the plane to the UK soared through the air. Watching Marcellious and Drita sit together, it made wish that Megan was here.

Before we left, I did not feel that missing piece in my chest at first. I figured it would not come being that it would only be a few days away from her.

But as soon as the plane flew off the turnpike, it was like a part of my heart was ripped out of me and attached to Megan.

I could feel our energy pulling away from one another and I hated that shit.

With Kylie strapped in next to me, she was sound asleep. Eventually everyone had fallen asleep, leaving me to myself as I watched the sunrise come up.

Looking out the window, The United Kingdom began to appear as a little smirk crept on my face.

Going from a poor nigga to a nigga traveling on his own plane to another country put a smile on my face.

I had accomplished a lot in my life, this trip meant a lot which was why Megan not being here also hurt a lot.

Chase: Wow.." his annoying voice said as I sighed.

Looking over at him, his face was glued to my window as he looked at all the pointy castle like buildings.

Their flags hung around them on their flap poles as light green grass covered their parks.

Chase: Damn." he astonished as I smirked.

You could tell this was his first time out of Atlanta with how he was glued to that damn window. Chase was here to observe, nothing more.

Giving him a chance to see the kind of things he would be doing if he kept at his craft was good for him. It would give him a feel for the next level of his life.

Facing back for the window, I watched as Julian landed us perfectly. Skidding a little bit on the private airstrip, he came to a successful stop as I applauded him myself.

Julian: Successful land sir." he said over the intercom,

Me: Indeed." I said back.

Julian: I know you are on a time limit but please stay seated for a second."

Me: Aight." I called back up to him as our exchange had awoken the other passengers.

Kollin: Nigga, why the fuck is you yelling?"

Kollin: It is two early for that shit." he groaned.

Me: Nigga it is 3:29." I corrected looking at my watch. Opening his eyes, he squinted down at his watch as he sucked his teeth.

Kollin: You know what I meant nigga, Atlanta time." he snapped as I smirked.

Me: Well we ain't in Atlanta right now stupid." I argued as Marcellious sucked his teeth.

Marcellious: If you both don't shut the hell up."

Drita: Seriously."

Nalani: Girl, that's Trey." she said as Drita opened her eyes.

Drita: What??" she confused.

Nalani: I am saying Trey started it."

Drita: Okay and, I am talking to all of them."

Nalani: Clearly, I am just saying to keep it who it was for." she protected Kollin as Drita scoffed.

Drita: Bitch, let me tell you somehting-."

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