That's On You

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Trey POV

Nurse: And one, two three." she said as I picked up Megan.

   Placing her in the wheelchair, the nurses did a little cheer as we got her in safely. They had bright smiles on their faces as they walked around her and cleaned up the room.

   Placing the blanket over her lap, I placed Kylie's overnight bag on top of her lap as she sat there. The doctor's were discharging her and the twins today but with the scowl on her face you would think otherwise.

      She stared out the window with a glare and glisten in her eye that I had never seen before. After our last conversation, I knew me walking away and catching some air was not the reason she looked this way.

With her hair not being combed and brushed at all, she looked like a haunted lady about to be let out of the nut house. Her expression made me rethink about if she should stay here one more night.

Standing behind her wheelchair, the nurse placed a plastic white bag on her lap as she was happy to see Megan get home.

Nurse: Alright, Doc says your all good to go!" she said in front of Megan.

Glaring up at her, she grit her teeth before rolling her eyes angrily away. Taking the smile off her face, the nurse turned to me with a new one.

Nurse: In the bag, there is a prescription for pain killers that you can bring to your local pharmacist." she instructed.

Nurse: She can take up to two a day, but that is only if the pain is not working with one. One should be good though, Dr. Simmons raised the milligrams." she smiled as I nodded.

Me: And the twins?"

Nurse: Nurse Holly will be waiting with them downstairs for you."

Me: Thank you." I said kindly.

Giving me a thumbs up, she looked back down at Megan who was back to staring out the window.

   Taking her eyes away from her, she left the hospital room leaving us behind.

Me: Alright my heart, lets get you out of her." I mumbled to her.

  She did not say anything back as I wheeled her out of the room. Coming into the hallway, the smiles from Bleu and Kianna greeted us as today they were being discharged as well.

Kianna looked great, as Bleu looked better. He was still using that one crutch for support but he made it look easy. Standing out front of their hospital doors, they looked happy to see Megan but she did not return the same love.

  Instead she kept her cold stare at nothing as Kianna frowned a bit.

Drita: Are you ready?" she nudged her.

   Not saying anything back, I shook my head at them to back off as I began to wheel her down the hall.

Drita: What's wrong?" she asked me as they walked with me.

Me: Ion know.." I mumbled. Sighing, she walked behind me as Kollin and Marcellious helped Bleu into the lobby.

Entering the room that our family and friends took over, the applause we received was heart warming.

Megan's family, Kianna's family and Bleu's family applauded them with love as they had all made a full recovery. Swarming them with kindness and praise, I watched again as Megan barely spoke.

She received hugs and kisses, but didn't say anything when they talked about how good she looked.

She didn't say anything when they praised her "fast" recovery. It was like she was tolerating everyone, her Dad, her sisters, her cousins that came as well.

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