Butterball & Blossom

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Jordan POV

Hubbard: Do you remember how it happened?" his voice asked as I stared at nothing.

   The many thoughts coursing through my mind distracted me as he tried to prepare me for this trial.

    Watching what use to be the pillar of hope in my community fall down at the hands of Treyjaun Davidson...

Cohen and Howard's murders were now tucked under the rug like they never happened.

   Listening to their grieving wives cry on the phone with me, listening to them beg me to find real justice. Having nothing to say back to them, not being able to promise them this justice..

               Because who am I kidding?

This justice crusade I was on was falling apart day by day, brick by brick. There were no knights in shining armor that were going to help me pursue justice.

   There were no men in white coats listening to me, understanding me. Everyone played into the facade he made.

  He was the puppet master, the pied piper. He played his tunes and everyone froloucked down the yellow brick road he built.

No one but me saw who he was or what he was, they all grew in love with the music he played.

Hubbard: Jordan?" he called making me cut my eyes to him.

Hubbard: I said, Do you remember how it happened?" he repeated as I slowly sat up.

   Staring at him, I cleared my throat. Getting ready to answer, I closed my mouth as that shut me up. Sighing, he put whatever papers he had in his hands down.

Mia:..Do you need a minute honey?" her voice cooed as I looked at her in the audience.

Looking at Anthony, Renee and Jackson as well, they looked pretty irritated with my distractions.

Me..Yeah, let's do that." I mumbled standing up.

Opening the door, I stepped down from the witnesses podium as I took my time walking over to the pews.

   Standing to her feet, my sweet wife handed me my crutch that I declined. Ever since Trey kicked it from under me, I dared not to use it. I needed to learn how to be without it.

Hubbard: How about we take 10 and then we can come back and try again?"

Mia: That's perfect." she said for me. Nodding, he grabbed his briefcase and collected his things before subsequently walking out.

Anthony: You good nigga?" he pressed as I sat down.

Me: Yeah."

Anthony: You sure, he asked you that shit 5 times." he said as I grit my teeth. Rolling my eyes away from him, I slumped in my plaintiff chair as they sat behind me.

Me: I am not even sure why we are doing this shit." I hissed.

Mia: Because practice makes perfect, it is good to practice what you are going to say when the trial day comes." she said as I scoffed.

Me: There is no need to practice, he already won." I growled.

Anthony: You don't know that Jordan."

Me: I do." I turned to him.

Me: Do you see him here, practicing?" I pointed out.

Me: Do you see him and Bleu Bellard in the other courtroom practicing what they are going to say?" I silenced.

Me: Not once out of the three times we have been here practicing have I seen either of them in this building. You want to know why that is?" I questioned.

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