That Makes Me Weak?

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Trey POV

Me: No, two not one." I corrected as she flustered.

Switching the documents I slightly shook my head as Stavia messed up the papers again. Sitting back in my chair, I folded my arms together as I waited for the conference room to get filled.

   One by one, they took a seat as I watched them. Keeping an eye on Stavia, she handed me the wrong ones again.

Taking the iPad from her, I found the documents myself as I placed them down in front of me.

Neglecting her upset stare, Megan would have made sure I had it before I asked.

The last ones in were Thomas and Garth, they had snarky looks on their faces as Stavia instead of Megan sat next to me.

I gritted my teeth because I was sure these men were a part of M's demise. Rushing her, making her feel inadequate.

Their happy glares that she was gone made me want to snap them both in half.

Me: Good Evening Gentlemen." I began.

~ Good Evening." they replied.

Me: I am glad to see all of you came on time."

??: Well we heard the King was back so we had to see for ourselves." he joked as they laughed.

Smirking at them, I rubbed my hands together as I looked down at the documents.

Staring at them, the speech I prepared for them faded away as I slowly closed my iPad. Sliding the iPad back over to Stavia, I leaned on the table as they listened carefully.

Me: I know I have been gone for a long time." I started.

Me: I know my absence has made this shit a very hard and rocky sail and I appreciate all you fine gentlemen staying onboard and keeping everything together." I continued.

Me: Now that I am back a few changes are going to be made starting today. By the end of this month, Davidson Dividends will be opening and I need some people down there to run it."

Thomas: So you want one of us to do so?" he perked up.

Me: Fairly so, I need one of you guys to sponsor it." I said.

Garth: Sponsor it how?"

Me: Sponsoring Dividends means you get the first pay out after 3 trades."

Garth: Only the first?" he scoffed as I eyed him.

Me: The first of every month." I corrected as a few execs began to whisper among themselves.

Me: There will be a first sponsor and a second sponsor."

??: What is the difference?" he asked.

Me:..Lyons right?"

Lyons: Yes sir." he nodded professionally.

Me: The difference is that the first sponsor will be the one in charge, he or she will be getting most of the profit as well as managing the company's revenue." I told.

Me: The second sponsor will be the one who gets the second 3 quarters for each major trade and dividend coming out of the revenue. He will not be in the company, he will simply be sponsoring his money and getting paid when I pass a trade."

Thomas: Sounds like you already know who the second sponsor is." he hinted.

Me: I do, so I only need one of you for my first." I said as the competition in the air began to rise.

Me: Becoming my first sponsor means you will relinquish all allegiance to Davidson Capital. You will be running the execs committee at Dividends." I introduced.

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