My Lethal Embrace

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Trey POV

Intertwining my hands with her, I placed them above my head as I stuck my tongue deep in her mouth.

Slushing our mouths together, the lust began to build inside of me as her naked body laid under mine.

The silkness of our bed, her legs wrapped around my waist as I broke our kiss apart.

Kissing the side of her lips, I trailed them down to her neck as she tilted her head away from me and moaned out in shivers.

Sinking my teeth into her skin, her hands squeezed mine as I left my mark. Feeling myself become harder by the second, my impulses were becoming less controllable as I kissed over her bare chest.

Kissing between the cusp of them, I eased up and looked up at her as she looked down at me.

Megan: What??"

Me: We should stop." I calmed down.

Me: Ion think your body is ready for sex right now."

Megan: My body is fine." she rushed pressing her lips to mine.

Forcing a deeper kiss on me, she sucked my bottom lip as I pulled away from her again.

Me: M, you barely been resting."

Megan: So, it's not going to hurt-."

Me: Like hell it ain't, I see clutching your stomach when you walk around the house." I mentioned as she glared.

Megan: I had to use the bathroom, I told you that when you asked me."

Me: You told me that but you were lying. You still haven't healed yet." I said as she sucked her teeth frustratingly.

Sitting herself up on her knees, our hands disconnected as she looked irritated.

Me: Don't look at me like that, I am protecting you."

Megan: I don't need protection, it never helped anyway.." she mumbled as I reared my head back.

Me: What you say?" I asked as she realized I heard her.

Megan: Nothing."

Megan: I said nothing." she shook a smile onto her face.

Wrapping her arms around the back of my neck, she laid us back onto the bed and kissed my lips.

Megan: I'm sorry for lying the first time, but now I am fine." she kissed me.

Megan: I have been having some pains but I am tired of feeling that, I want to feel something else.." she seduced as her lips grazed over mine.

Falling into her spell again, I knew the right thing to do was to put my foot down but it had been while once again since I had been able to touch her.

To hear her moans pleading for my mercy, to feel her body trembling because I made it..

The want to simply experience that again took over me as I began to suck on her neck again. Moving faster down, I sucked her nipple easily as she moaned.

Sliding my hand over her waist, I sucked her nipple for my enjoyment as she moaned.

Kissing over to the other, I pleased it with my will before kissing down her stomach.

Softly, barely touching her skin, I lowered my body the further I went down.

Stopping just above her little lady, I licked my tongue carefully around the bruising of her skin from her C-section. Staring at it, I tried to cloud my thoughts with the kisses I left on her skin.

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