Talk About Random Chaos..

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Megan POV

The smell of good food hit my nose as my eyes fluttered opened. The sound of the stove sizzling with fresh bacon and eggs made me sit up.

Oddly, the smaller version of me was sleeping directly under me. She was curled up in a ball in her father's spot as I tried to figure out how she got here.

Squinting my eyes at the time, the time read 11:00am. Rubbing my eyes, I climbed out of bed quietly to brush my teeth. Placing the toothpaste on my toothbrush, I began.

Staring everywhere else, my eyes forced themselves onto my belly as I slowly stopped. Gazing at it, it was like my eyes were forcing me to see a small belly bump.

After yesterday's emotional roller coaster, when Trey asked me if I was pregnant I did not think much of it.

There was no way I was pregnant this fast, we never used protection but he barely..

..Stopping while I was ahead, I felt my fingers tingle as I began to brush my teeth again. Cleaning my mouth thoroughly, I spit the toothpaste out and washed my face.

Drying it, I stood in the silence as I placed my hand under my shirt. Rubbing the end of my belly, the hard shell at the bottom caught my breath.

..No way

Grazing my thumb over it, I lifted my shirt up and turned to the side in the mirror. Oddly, I did not see anything, my stomach was as flat as ever..

Pulling my shirt down, I sighed as maybe it was my thoughts tricking me. Maybe my subconscious was trying to convince me that I was pregnant and I was falling for it.

A bit of relief came over me as I snapped back into reality. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be pregnant again, the joy of carrying another child was something I missed.

However, right now was not a good time. The amount of enemies returning to the A and Trey possibly going to jail would make for another stressful pregnancy.

Laughing at my ridiculous thoughts, small footsteps entered my bathroom. Looking down, my heart smiled as Kylie stood there holding her stuffed animal.

Rubbing her eyes, she yawned as she looked up at me.

Me: Good Morning sleepyhead." I cooed bending down. Picking her up, she snuggled her head into my neck as I kissed her cheeks.

Kylie: Where is Daddy?" she asked of course.

Me: I think he is downstairs with Cersi." I said leaving my bathroom.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she was still a bit sleepy as I rubbed her back. Heading to her room, I went into her bathroom and placed her down on the counter.

Me: You remember what to do right?" I asked.

Nodding, she grabbed her small toothbrush as I helped her put the toothpaste on. Turning it on, the little song that played front he toothbrush woke her up a little as she began to brush her teeth.

Watching her, I wouldn't mind another mini me or even a mini Treyjuan running around here. I would actually love that. The joy that Kylie was, another one would be just as gleeful. Dancing on the counter now, I laughed as she enjoyed her routine.

Spitting the toothpaste out, I turned the water on and rinsed her face for her. Cupping some warm water in my hand, I rubbed it down her face as she laughed. Grabbing her face cloth, I soaped it up a little.

Me: Close your eyes stinky." I said. Closing her eyes, I watched her face for her before quickly rinsing it. I did not want her to open her eyes with soap in them.

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