A Coward, A B**** Wit A Badge

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Megan POV

Me: 3,2..1!" I giggled as I moved my hands from over my face.

Running past me, I tried to grab her as her squealing laughter echoed behind her. Jumping to my feet, I ran down the steps after her as the dinosaur onesie covered my face.

Sliding on the marble floor, I reached out for her but she slid past me like it was nothing.

Kylie: You have to be faster then that!" she giggled as I groaned on the ground. Her laughter continued as I stared at the ceiling of our foyer.

   Out of breath, her taunting to chase her upstairs echoed down the steps as I closed my eyes. Rubbing my hands down my face, a dark shadow covered me as I smirked.

Trey: You got about 15 seconds before she realizes you aren't chasing her." he said as I opened my eyes.

Towering over me, his chain dangled carelessly above my face as he smiled his perfect one.

Me: I can't." I whined.

Me: My legs are tired." I said. Chuckling, he held his hand out for me to grab and stand up.

Me: You already getting ready?" I asked as I noticed his shirtless attire.

Trey: Yea, I was coming to get you and tell you to come shower." he said.

Me: I can't, we have a princess in hiding." I giggled. Smirking, he unzipped the onesie I was in and shimmed it down to my knees.

Trey: I will talk to her, start getting ready because it takes you a long time." he mocked as I sucked my teeth.

Me: As if!" I sassed as he walked up the stairs. Going into Kylie's room, I heard her squeal turn into a pout as her father told her I couldn't play anymore.

Going up the stairs behind him, it wasn't long until her whining turned into her laughter. The affect that man had on her was like magic.

He always knew how to make her feel better no matter the situation.

Coming into the room, I got ready with the intention of proving Trey wrong. Showered and half dressed, I began do curl my hair as he came into the bathroom.

Trey: What you wearing?"

Me: That green dress." I pointed as he followed.

Walking over to my outfit, he nodded in approval as he saw my green heels and purse to match with it.

Me: What are you wearing?"

Trey: Shidd, if you wearing green I'ma match you." he said going into his closet.

Me: You showered?"

Trey: Yeah baby, that's why I told you to come up and get ready." his voice muffled from his closet.

Me: What time we have to leave?"

Trey: It's at 9, so we need to get out of here by 8:30." he said.

  Turning back to the mirror, I sighed as I was not going to be able to curl all of my hair. Cutting the iron off, I slicked it back carefully before putting a nice fishtail braid down my back.

Adding some extensions to it, the braid ended just above my butt. Fixing my edges, I slipped on my dress as he came out.

  Looking at his attire, his white t-shirt pressed against his chest as the giant green jacket covered his muscles. The green pants he had on sagged a bit but fit him well.

Smirking, I liked how he tried to match the same color green as mine. Looking up at me, he smirked back.

Trey: What?"

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