"No Trey Talk"

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Jordan POV

Fixing my suit and tie, the smile on my face mirrored in my mirror. Giving myself a shiny nod, I puffed my collar as the sound of my wifes heels entered into the bathroom.

Mia: A dashing King." she flirted as I smirked at her reflection.

Me: You look majestic as well." I said as she cringed.

Mia: That was a little much."

Me: My bad." I said making us laugh.

Mia: Are you almost ready?"

Me: I'm ready now." I said proudly turning to her.

Mia: Are you excited?'

Me: Excited is not the word I would use Mia, I am a man." I chuckled as she sucked her teeth.

Mia: You know what I mean Jordan." she sighed.

Me: Yeah, I am." I nodded.

Mia: You should be, you worked years for this position." she cooed rubbing her hand down my jacket.

Me: I have, but that is not why I am ready for this." I slicked as she knew what I was about to say.

Me: The look on his face is going to be priceless." I cheesed as she sighed. She did not share the same boastful energy as me as she took a few steps back.

Me: What's wrong?" I asked.

Switching her eyes between mine, she fiddled her fingers gently with the next words she had to say.

Mia:..I know how much taking down Trey Davidson means to you.." she mumbled as my smile faded.

Mia: I know what he did to you, Cohen and Howard eats at you..a lot. But for once, just one night can we not focus on bringing him down?" she asked kindly.

Mia: I get the motive, but this night is about you. This night is about how hard you have worked over the 9 years for this position. You didn't know that man for most of those and making this night about winning something against him takes away from the fact that you actually earned this."

Mia: It takes away from the fact that before him or Detective Carter, you were the right candidate all along Daniel. So just for tonight, can we please not make this about Trey Davidson?" she asked again.

Her honest eyes softened me up because she was right, I had spent most of my adult career in law enforcement working for this position.

Making this night about getting the one up on Trey Davidson for once was not purpose.

Even though it will be a glorious victory of mine that I could finally shove in his face, my wife was right, tonight was not about him it was about me.

I could shove it in his face tomorrow.

Me: Alright." I agreed taking her hands.

Me: No more Trey Talk."

Mia: Promise??"

Me: I promise." I smiled.

  Grinning, her smile returned as she reached up and kissed my lips. Kissing a few more times, I looked at my watch as that time to leave rolled around.

Me: Looks like we should be heading out baby." I grinned as she squealed.

Clapping her hands, she checked herself out in the mirror once more before reaching over to grab my crutches.

Me: Oh na baby, not today." I stopped as she looked at me.

Me: I got this." I said. Limping a little, I stood up tall as I worked my own strength to leave this bathroom.

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