Coincidentally Coincidental

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Trey POV

Megan: And here it comes." she cooed as her and the twins played on the floor.

      Looking at them over the top of my computer, I smirked as Megan was infatuated with Noah and Legend on the floor.

   She was sitting in the makeshift playpen I made for them as Kylie ran around my office.

Any other day, I would have them at home but it was Friday. Having them in my space felt good on the last day of the week, after this the plan was to take them home and have some quality time with them.

Since this ankle monitor has been wrapped around my ankle, family time really hasn't existed for us.

        I barely had a day where it was just M and the kids. With Noah and Legend being the new editions, spending as much time as I could with them became more imperative.

Megan: On your tummy Noah, your tummy." she said as Noah kept rolling onto her back.

Smirking at them, I closed my computer screen as I folded my hands over the top.

Me: Did you ever think about their middle names?" I asked as Megan looked up at me.

Me: I've been meaning to ask you." I said again.

Smiling small, she focused back on the twins as she finally got Noah back on her tummy.

Megan: Kali and Treyjuan."

Me: Kali and Treyjuan?" I froze a bit as she smiled.

Megan: Yeah, I thought Noah Kali sounded nice and being that Legend is the first boy, I thought you would like it if we carried your name over to his." she loved.

Megan: Legend Treyjuan." she shrugged as the name sounded perfect to me.

For her to think about something like that reminded me of why I was going to make her my wife by the end of this year. She just had the kind spirit residing in her, she thought of things that I didn't.

I didn't even think of moving my name to my son's but he was my first boy, why wouldn't I?

Smiling now myself, I sat forward more as she turned back to the kids.

Me: I think both those names are perfect." I allowed.

Megan: Really?"

Me: Really."

Megan: Oh good, I thought you would find it corny." she winced as I chuckled.

Me: Why would I find my own name corny miss lady?"

Megan: I don't know." she giggled.

Megan: I just thought you would have."

Me: Well I don't, I actually like that you wanted to name our son after me."

Megan: He is named after a great man." she loved again as I smirked at her.

Breaking our stare, she trained her eyes on Kylie who was running faster. Playing with her dolls and in her own world, I watched as she interacted the male doll and the female doll together.

Bringing them closer, I reared my head back as she fucking made them kiss.

Me: Aye!" I yelled as her and Megan started laughing.

Me: The hell you doin?"

Megan: Relax babe she is just playing around." she laughed as Kylie giggled behind her.

Me: Na hell na, where she got that shit from?"

Megan: You."

Me: Me??"

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