Fair Is Fair..

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Trey POV

Sionis:..Has the jury come to a decision?" he asked as the Jury had only taken 1 hour.

The young female on the end stood to her feet as she held a piece of paper in her hand.

Jury: Yes your honor."

Sionis: If you will." he suggested.

Popping the knuckles in my fingers, the moment we wasted the day for was finally here. Crickets could be heard outside chirping to one another as the jury lady opened the piece of paper.

Opening it wide, she cleared her throat before reading from it.

Judge Lady: On the count of second degree battery assault, we find the defendant..not guilty." she said as I clenched my fist in good luck.

Jury Lady: On the count of second degree assault with a deadly weapon, we find the defendant..not guilty." she read again as a slow smile grew on my face.

I wasn't really sure where that charge came from, but it didn't matter to me it was no longer important.

The relief from my side was very apparent as Jordan's side was completely silent. Nudging me briefly Bleu smirked at me as we waited for the final charge to be like the rest.

Jury Lady: On the count of first degree attempted murder and first degree assault with a deadly weapon we find the defendant...guilty." she stoned as my face fell.

Realizing what she had just set, the back of my ears began to ring as Bleu slowly hung his head. Jordan's side showed no remorse as their celebration was louder than ours.

Reaching over the gate and shaking Jordan with joy, I was too stunned to even become outraged with the fact that I was guilty.

Jury Lady: That is all the chargers your honor." she said closing the piece of paper.

Sionis: Bailiff." he ordered as the bailiff reached over and grabbed the piece of paper from her.

Walking it over to Sionis, he leaned over his judges podium and took the paper from him.

Opening it and reading it himself, the lady in the jury sat down. Feeling the gut punch of being found guilty, I shouldn't be feeling this way being that I shoved my whole fucking foot in my mouth.

I meant what I said on behalf of Megan and my daughter, but as Bleu rubbed the stress lines on his face, I could tell I screwed his entire point of today's defense up.

Judge Sionis:..Reading over these charges, I have to say I am surprised." he began.

Sionis: After today's events, after hearing the multiple back and forth stories, this verdict is surprising to me."

Sionis: I like to pride myself on justice, on what is fair and what's not fair. No matter the cause, I don't like seeing someone proudly and brutally beat someone almost to death because they can not control their anger." he snarled as I closed my eyes in defeat.

Sionis: Violence is never the answer to any problem especially when a weapon is used with the intent to kill someone." he continued as I could lowly hear Jordan and his side celebrating more.

Sionis: Having to watch that tape Mr Davidson was one of the most outrageous and horrific things to watch you do to another human being."

Sionis: I want to make it clear that I do not agree, support or even sympathize with that level of rage you displayed." he said as I glared up at him.

Starting to regret letting him into my house and enjoying the leisures I gave to him, it was starting to feel like I had done that all for no reason.

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