Wound Sorrows, Howling Pains

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Trey POV

  Slipping through the officers, I kept my head down as I walked between Lucas and June. With June leading the way, I stuffed my hands in my pocket as we almost made it to his room..

  The many officers crowding the hallway peeked my alerts as June rounded the corner. Walking a bit more, we passed an open lobby where officers were sitting and waiting for their boss.

There were so many of them you would think at least one of them would see us getting by. But just like last time, I was able to sneak my way all the way to Jordan. Stopping outside his door June and Lucas stood watch as I unhooked it.

Snaking it, I slid the glass door close quietly as Jordan painfully turned his head to see who came in.

   Landing his eyes on me, they grew like saucers as I smiled. Fidgeting for the alert button, I swiftly grabbed it as he struggled.

Me: I wouldn't do that." I smirked at him. Glaring at me, I could see his heart beating in the pupils of his eyes as I walked around his bed and sat down.

  Placing the alert system down next to his fingers, I taunted him with it as he could not move them to press the button.

Leaning my elbows on my knees, I rubbed my beard as he watched. Looking into his eyes, it brought me great joy seeing the fear I had beat into him. Glancing at the door, I followed his glance as I snickered.

Me: You wondering how I got here?" I urged as he cut his eyes at me.

Me: It was actually pretty easy if we being straight up." I relaxed back into my seat.

Me: With the amount of officers in this bitch you would think they would have caught me." I laughed.

Me: But then again, they let me get right by when I came to see you that morning." I slicked as he flared his nose.

Taking my stare away from his eyes, I looked over his broken body as another smile slipped on my face.

Staring back at him, I rested my arm over his ..injured leg as he winced.

Me: I got to tell you Jordan." I started.

Me: I did not think you would make it." I taunted.

Me: The way they wheeled you out of that station, I did not think you would survive." I said again.

Me: But then again, all slippery and slimy things make it. They adapt so I guess it's no surprise that you are breathing right now." I mocked.

Emptying the sarcasm from my voice, I pulled the seat closer to him as he watched anxiously.

Me: I tried to find your wife yesterday." I looked around the hospital room.

Me: I should have known you were going to have her moved." I said to him.

Me: Anthony right?" I hinted as he shuffled uncomfortably.

By the look on his face, I could tell Anthony was correct answer.

Me: What did he want?"

Me: I know his greedy ass wanted something." I chuckled.

Keeping his mouth closed, I smirked as he refused to say anything back to me. Usually he responds with his own sarcasm, his own tone.

Me: Well whatever he wanted, I hope it suits him. He hid your wife good." I sighed.

Me: That little rock you had her under was cleaned out and I have to say, it was a bummer not finding her there."

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