The One Up

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Trey POV

Sitting at my desk, I sighed as I watched the charts go up and down.

Staring at my computer, my eyes drifted to the emptiness of my office as Megan and the kids stayed home today.

Well in other words when I woke up this morning all of them were asleep and barely heard me leave the house.

Since I've been helping Megan get some rest, I didn't want her body to adapt to the medication I was slipping her.

So last night, I went on a limb and watched her fall asleep on her own.

Prepared to wake up in the middle of the night and remove Kylie from our room, when I got up this morning to see that we all slept through the night I was satisfied to say the least.

The whole thing with Jackson was still lingering around her and to be honest I could feel it lingering around me too.

Not in a way that I felt bad like her, but in a way that I remembered Megan telling me that she stood over him and shot him.

On purpose, Megan tried to kill him and even though her final straw breaking was something some people might celebrate, it was something that worried me a little.

Her postpartum wasn't forgotten about but it was put on the back burner so that we could focus on the actual issues at hand.

We never really showed focus to her mental state and that was something I really wanted her to get under control.

Thinking about Megan as I sat there, a small smile grew on my face as I felt my phone ring. I already knew it was her as I grabbed it and slid the answer option across the screen..

Me: Someone's finally up." I smirked as I felt her smile.

Megan: I was calling because I came downstairs and there was three men sitting in the kitchen." she said as I chuckled.

Megan: I thought they were waiting for you..but then you aren't here."

Me: No I am not." I laughed.

Megan:..Are they waiting for you to come home or something?"

Me: Na, they ain't there for me."

Megan:..Who are they here for?"

Me: You and the kids."

Megan: Me and the kids?"

Me: Yeah." I sat up.

Me: I've been meaning to introduce you guys but I haven't gotten a chance too. They are there to watch over you guys, make sure y'all good." I said as she sighed.

Megan: Trey you got us bodyguards?"

Me: More like security."

Me: They are there just to keep the peace while I'm not with y'all." I covered for her as I waited for her to complain.

Sharing a bit of silence over the phone with me, I got ready to defend my reasoning when she surprised me.

Megan: Good.." she said softly.

Megan: That makes what I am about to say easier."

Me: What's that?"

Megan: Ky wanted to go to the aquarium and I wasn't sure if you could come home and go with us."

Me: Yeah I can't baby girl, I gotta lot work right now."

Megan: I figured and that's okay. I didn't want to go by ourselves but I also didn't want to tell her no."

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