Tamed That Bitch From It's Master.

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Megan POV

Lacing my lips with my lip gloss, I carefully applied it as I used the car mirror.

Sitting back, I popped my lips together as the lipgloss shined perfectly. Closing the cap, I placed it back into my purse as I hooked my arm under its strap.

   Turning the car off, I put the keys in my pocket before opening the car door and climbing out.

Looking around my surroundings, I felt like somebody was watching me. It was like I could feel a pair of eyes burning into my skin as whoever they belonged to watched me intently.

..I guess that was how it felt when you were about to do something you weren't suppose to.

  Gazing down at my purse, the check I had gotten from the Basketball/Carnival Charity sat in my purse as I stood outside the bank.

    Getting the feeling that I should turn around and leave again haunted me but I ignored it.

Closing my car door, my heels clicked on the sidewalk as I headed inside. Grabbing the door handle, a kind lady greeted me as we passed one another. Greeting her back, the cool air from the bank consumed me as the doors shut behind me.

    Thankfully, the line wasn't long.

There were only 2 people in front of me and it looked like they were about to be accommodated.

Walking through the maze, I stood a few feet behind the second person as I pulled my phone out of my purse.

   Looking at the time, I bit my lip a little anxious as Trey would be getting out of his meeting in a few minutes.

Knowing him, once he was done in that meeting he would be checking my location and see that I was at the bank. I needed these people to hurry up so I could get in and get out.

   Shoving my phone back into my purse, the person infront of me was finally helped. Walking up the teller, another teller approached from the back and waved me over to a station on the far end.

Teller: I can help you over here ma'am." she said as I smiled.

    Walking over, I stopped in front of her section as she got comfortable in her seat.

Teller: How are you this evening?"

Me: I am good, how are you?" I asked back.

Teller: I am great, today's a little slow as you can see." she laughed as I did.

Me: I can see, I know that must feel good."

Teller: Astounding." she gloated.

Sharing a laugh, she nodded to my purse.

Teller: What can I do for you today?"

Me: Well I was wondering if I could get help with cashing his check." I said pulling it out.

Me: I was going to go to the ATM but I need to withdraw the amount on it in cash." I told as she took it from it.

Turning the check to face her, her eyes grew a little big as she saw the numbers written on it.

Teller: You are trying to withdraw this today??"

Me: Yes ma'am, it is very imperative that I do." I winced as her facial expression was letting me down.

   Looking back down at the check, she eyed the zero's on the end before slowly shaking her head.

Teller: Ma'am I am not sure if I can do this.." she worried a little.

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