The Puppet Master, The Pied Piper.

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Trey POV

Bleu: So It's settled then?" he asked as I sat at my desk.

Tate: The way it looks, yeah." he said over the phone.

Bleu: Aight so make sure you keep that, I am going to need it for the trial." he said.

Tate: Aight." he said.

Handing me back the phone, I propped my feet back onto my desk as I put him to my ear.

Me: All good now?"

Tate: Yeah."

Me: Aight. I'll hit you later-."

Tate: Hol on Trey..if you don't mind." he stopped.

Me: What's up?" I asked.

Tate: This whole thing with sure this is a good idea?" he asked as I smirked.

Tate: Because you know Carter truly won right?"

Me: I know."

Tate: So why did you give that to Jordan?" he asked. Chuckling to myself, his question was valid as I knew he did not get my reasoning.

Me: I gave it to Jordan becasue he owes me."

Tate: Owes you?"

Me: Yup." I popped the P.

Me: He owes me a lot and he doesn't even know it. Why not give him the seat."

Tate: because how do you know that he is going to do what you say?"

Me: Trust me he will, he doesn't know it but yet he will."

Me: The favors I am about to cash in with this nigga will help all of us. I could have had Carter do them for me but watching him crumble behind that badge, I could not pass that up." I chuckled as Tate started to understand.

Tate: So when does Carter get the seat? She rightful won that."

Me: She will get it in due time, Jordan is not going to be able to hold in the guilt from the favors he is about to do for me. He is going to drive himself mad or eventually.."

Tate: Quit."

Me: Exactly." I grinned.

Me: By the time I am done with him, he is going to regret ever becoming a damn police officer." I laughed as he chuckled this time.

Tate: Clever man I tell ya."

Me: I appreciate the credit man I do." I said as my doors opened.

Me: But let me holla at you later, I got company."

Tate: Aight." he hung up.

Placing my phone down, I cheesed brightly as I lifted my hands over my head in excitement.

Me: Well if it ain't the Chief of Police!" I exclaimed as he stood there with his pet dogs behind him.

Me: I was just talking about you!"

Jordan: I bet." he gritted as I smirked. Putting my hands down, Bleu relaxed back on the couch as he grinned tauntingly like me.

Me: What brings you by Chief?"

Jordan: You know what." he hissed as he had a freshly printed out piece of paper in his hand. Smirking at it, Bleu took it from him as he read it.

Me: I assume that is a warrant for my arrest?"

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