It Wasn't Me This Time N****

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Trey POV

Lyons: So the candlestick needs to be on the right?"

Me: Yes, for a trade as big as this it needs to be on the right all the way at the top." I said as we sat in the dark at my office.

Staring at the TV behind my desk, we were going over the demos I had him redo.

This time, he did them correctly. Taking his time and leaving room for me to critic, I made sure to talk slow as he wrote what I was saying down.

Lyons: So what if it's on the left at the top but has a high percentage of passing?" he asked.

Me: If it is on the left and has a high percentage of passing, then you can differently put your marker there, however if your trade is not insured you will not get that money back." I told him as he nodded.

Me: Going to the left is more risker."

Lyons: Have you traded the left side before?"

Me: I have." I nodded.

Me: But I did that years after I made a name for myself." I advised.

Me: I do not suggest taking a left trade this early in your career." I said more as he wrote that down.

Watching him, I watched as he leaned his elbows on his knees as he mumbled what he wrote down back to himself.

Tapping the pencil next to his temple, he glanced up at his demo on the board again. Squinting his eyes at it, a look of confusion shined on his face.

Me: Something you missing?" I asked.

Lyons: No...not really missing just confused."

Me: Aight, what is it?"

Lyons: Do you see the candlestick on the left corner?" he asked as I looked at it.

Me: I do."

Lyons: How is it on the left side if the candlestick is also on the right side?" he wondered as that was a very good question.

Me: When the candlesticks do that, they are basically setting you up to chose either."

Me: Whichever one you chose, you will most likely win however it will be about choosing the right one that has the most money." I told him as he nodded.

Writing that down as well on his notebook, his eagerness to learn made me smirk a little. Let this be my time back then, I would probably be just like him. Taking all the notes and asking 1,000 questions about one demo.

Giving him a chance to learn from me was a big appreciation for both me and him.

Waiting as he wrote his final thoughts down, my office doors opened as I looked to see the person coming in.

    Kollin first, he held the door opened for Bleu as I glared immediately.

Me: What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed as Bleu walked his way in.

Bleu: We need to talk-."

Me: We ain't got shit to talk about, take yo ass home." I snapped as Kollin cut the lights on.

Bleu: I was on my way home nigga, I just came from the hosptial from a check up." he hissed back.

Me: Then why did you stop here?"

Bleu: Because like I said nigga, we need to talk." he stamped as his eyes cut at me. Gritting my teeth, I dismissed Chase as Bleu took a seat.

Me: Work on the next demo on your own and bring me back the notes you take on it Lyons." I ordered.

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