If Not You, Then Who?

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Megan POV

..Fiddling my fingers together, I held my purse close to my chest.

Staring at the warehouse, I ignored my rational thinking as I clicked my heels up the concrete stairs.

Feeling the wind blowing through my hair, it was a late night as the lights on the warehouse building flicked on and off.

Coming to the top of the stairs, I kept my head down as I approached the door. Entering in, I stopped just before the door as I was greeted by the dark hallway.

Frozen a little out of everything I have done, what I was about to do now scared me more than ever.

Going after Thomas was nothing.
Drugging Mia Jordan was nothing.
Exposing Karlie and Anthony was nothing.

This, was something..

Standing in the doorway, the door itself bumped me further in as it closed. Engulfed with the darkness, I walked carefully as my heels echoed on every wall.

Following the directions, I slowed down as I passed a room that looked like dried blood had soaked into the ground..

Churning in my stomach, the smell coming from that room was awful as I kept walking. Further and further down this narrow hallway, I stopped as a flickering light shined on an old bar.

From the rusty counter and expired drinks, the stools at the island looked like they could break easily.

Looking into the tables, all the chairs were flipped over as the wood on the tables were dried and cracked.

You could tell this place had been abandoned for years, which was why it made this place the perfect meetup.

Combing my hair behind my ear, I placed my purse onto the island as I wiped some of the rust off the seat. Sitting down, I kept my head on a swivel as I felt like this room was starting to enclose.

Claustrophobia, never had it before but right now I was beginning to feel like the walls were caving in on me.

Regrets of even being here added onto my new formed phobia and I had to take a deep breath to relax myself.
Closing my eyes deeply, this would all be over as soon as-

??: You were right." his voice spooked as I shot my eyes opened.

??: I know I was right." the other voice chuckled.

Turning to their voices, June and Lucas stood there at the end of the bar with low smirks on their faces.

Gazing past them, I tried to figure out how they had gotten in here without passing by me or me at least hearing their heavy footsteps.

Eyeing me, June carefully peeled his eyes around the room to see if I had come with someone as I gained the courage to talk.

Me: I-I came alone." I stuttered as he looked at me.

Me: No one knows I am here.." I mumbled as he stuffed his hands in his pocket.

Glancing at Lucas, Lucas shrugged lowly as June turned back to me.

Walking a few paces over to me, I held my breath as June stopped a few chairs down from me. Leaning on the counter, he looked me over intriguingly..

June:..Trey doesn't know your here?" he questioned as I gulped.

Me: No..I was hoping to talk to you and Lucas alone.." I said as Lucas took a seat at the end.

Lucas: About what?"

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