Angry? I Am Maddened!

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Trey POV

Sitting in the lobby of the floor I blocked off, I rubbed my thumb and pointer finger together as family members and friends kept me company.

With three of my family members in this hospital, I was able to acquire the whole 8th floor for them.

Only people who I allowed were to come onto this floor. I know in any other circumstances that would be unrealistic but in this one I was not playing any games.

I waved my finger once and everyone followed suit without argument.

My natural reputation spoke for itself and despite the hospital complying with me because of the money I threw at them, I genuinely believed that they were scared of me.

The kind of hold I had on this city, the kind of rampage I had thumping in my chest, they were very wise to be.

Kylie: Daddy look!" she said happily as I looked up.
She was sitting on Monae's lap as she showed me the drawing she made.

Giving her a hidden painful smile, she happily went back to her drawing as she was the only one in the room that did not know what was going on with her mother, her uncle, or her auntie.

Her innocence allowed her to be clueless as I watched her play. Sizzling in the depths of my stomach, fury consumed my every being as I sat here.

It was like nothing I had felt before.

Visiting Anthony and Renee last night was suppose to subside that anger as I thought they were the people behind the attack on Bleu, Kianna and M.

However, the look in his eye when I told him that Bleu was shot was astounding. The color in his face drained like a slow leakage in a pipe.

He had no idea and as good as that may have been, a part of me wishes he did. A part of me wanted him to be the person who called the hit so I would have more than a justifiable reason to tear him limb from limb.

The other part of me was relieved, I was relieved that it wasn't him. Contradictory, I know.

But deep down, I was hoping that we had not gotten this low as brothers that another brother tried to kill the other.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, the elevator doors dinged as all the men in the room looked up.

Stepping off the elevator, Kollin shot to his feet as I quickly put my hand out stopping him.

Me:..It's cool." I said as Anthony stood there.

Me: Let him through." I told as Lucas and Sammy blocked his way.

Slowly backing away from him, he slashed his eyes at both of them before coming all the way into the lobby. Coming over to us, Kollin gently took his seat as he gave Anthony an angry stare.

The damage I had done to his face looked neatly cleaned up and covered as I figured Renee had done it.

Easing to a halt in front of me, those lingering eyes made me feel an ounce of sympathy. For the first time in a while, his guard was down and I could see that the only thing he wanted to know was how Bleu was doing.

Vexing my jaw, I stood to my feet as I towered into his face. Switching my eyes between his, I brushed past him and down the hall as he followed.

Passing Kianna's room, I stopped at Bleu's as I slid the sliding door opened for him.

    Creeping up to the glass, he stared at Bleu through the entrance as I held the door opened. Gritting his jaw tightly, he stepped into the room as I followed him inside.

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