The Nauseated Apology

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Trey POV

Kollin:..Weighed in on the second percentile. 5.6% revenue and growth rating and was only .55% from getting a share of Great Britain." he read as I rubbed my pointer finger over my lips.

    Staring down at the packet, my furrowed eyebrows collected the information on the sheet.

After me and Megan's debacle, I had Bleu bring me the packet the young man presented to me yesterday.

Kollin: Passed his first trade at 19, made 500.3K.." he amused as he kept reading.

Kollin: Traded 1.2 million in one night under a forex expander, damn." he said as I flipped over to the next page.

Kollin: All this and he self taught?" he gloated as I read for myself.

Coming to the last page, I did not show my interest but it was there. Megan was right, his credentials were hitting right on the nail. The kid was basically me on paper.

Closing the packet, I waited for Marcellious and Kollin to finish before asking my question.

Me: So, what do y'all think?" I asked as they looked at me.

Kollin: About M hiring him??"

Me: About the kid." I redirected. Shaking his head in approval, he scanned the packet again.

Kollin: I think you owe Megan an apology." he said as I glared.

Me: Nigga, I said about the kid." I snarled.

Kollin: I know what you said, but I said you owe M an apology. This kid is fye." he boasted as I sat back.

Kollin: To be in the second percentile at 19 bro, you would be stupid not to mentor a talent like his." he said. Taking in his words, I turned to Bleu and Marcellious who were offly quiet.

Me: What about y'all niggas?" I called out as Bleu looked down at the packet.

Bleu:.I think it's sketchy." he agreed as I smirked a little.

Bleu: I think it's weird as fuck that he came out of nowhere when you weren't in office." he agreed as Kollin sucked his teeth.

Kollin: Here you niggas go again with this scary shit." he whined.

Bleu: Ain't no one being scary nigga." he snapped.

Kollin: You niggas acting like we don't have the resources to dead this nigga if he is on some weird shit." he said as Marcellious slowly agreed.

Kollin: If the nigga on some shit you know we will find out but until then." he picked up the packet.

Kollin: His stats check out. He is who Megan said he was." he defended. Throwing the packet down, I eyed Bleu as he gave me a shallow shoulder shrug.

Bleu:..You could ask June to do a background check. See if there is anything we need to know." he hinted as I looked away.

Me: I didn't want to do that." I hissed.

Bleu: Well, we can't fire him right now Trey. Policy says 2 years." he said as I hated I even made that policy stand.

Bleu: It's gone be awhile before we can legally kick him out, might as well ask June." he said. Collecting his words, I looked through the packet again as I was indeed, impressed.

A kid from Onyx at the top of his game..

  I remember what it was like for me coming from Onyx and being at the top of my game. Nobody took my serious, no one offer me a hand. I had to climb out on my own and I think Megan knew I would give in to the similar predicament.

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