The Brown Leather Book

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Trey POV

Twirling around in my chair, I twisted the pen in my hand as I stared at Megan, Kylie, Noah and Legend.

With Kylie snuggled to her mother's back, Legend and Noah were in the cusp of her arms as she hugged them dearly.

Both hands touching one another, they laid perfectly in her embrace as they slept through the day.

Just like with Kylie, the feeling of family was back. It had grown two more people which was fine, however it was two more people I had to keep safe.

Megan sharing with me that she did not feel all the way safe with me hit harder then I thought it would.

Of course, I wanted to do better but how the fuck was I suppose to know Thomas was going to do that?

   Sure, he was screwed over by me but never did I think touching my wife, my children would be on his agenda.

Gritting my teeth I realized my problem, a problem Jordan so kindly brought up.

He's attempt to reason with me only angered me some more as he had the audacity to try to have a "moment" with me.

It took everything in me not to obliterate every bone in his body when he stood before me that night.

Staring at the sly smirk on his face, the civilized conversation we had irked me more then ever.

    One move and he would be off my table of issues, however I needed him. The need for the resources he posses was the only reason why he still walks.

   Once he quits, once he puts himself on that bait line, I was going to catch him and take him under.

Coming out of my thoughts, a soft knock on the door sat me up as Sam stood there kindly. Shyly waving at me, I nodded for her to come in.

Sam: Goodevening Sir." she said.

Me: Goodevening Sam, what's up?" I said back.

As she came in, I noticed she had two warm bottles of milk in her hands as a purple towel hung over her shoulder.

Sam: I was going to go and feed Noah and Legend, but the last time I did Megan kind of.." slowing her words, she did not need to say much more.

If it wasn't apparent enough, Megan was still highly attached to both Noah and Legend. She was fearful of anyone taking them from her, including me.

   She was still haunted by what happened to her in that hospital and nothing I did helped her get over it.

Sam: I was wondering if you could come help.." she mumbled.

    Smirking, I pushed my chair back and stood up as she looked relieved. Leading the way out of my office, she followed me down the hall as we both prepared ourself for Megan's wrath.

   Creaking the door opened, the light snores of all four of them filled the room as we tiptoed inside. With Sam behind me, my heavy footsteps cracked the floor anyway as I walked around the bed.

    Coming to the left side of the bed, I stared at how peaceful they all looked.

      Comfortable and safe with one another, I almost did not want to disturb their moment. Carefully, I reached for Legend first as he was the closest to me.

Grabbing him, my hands snaked slowly around his body before I picked him up. Holding him, I watched Megan hesitantly.

  Waiting for her to wake up and bite my head off, I sighed in relief as she did not move a muscle.

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