The Favor And The Dom

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Megan POV

Fixing the bathing suit strap on my shoulder, I twirled around in the mirror as I made sure everything was perfect.

Facing fully back in the mirror, the red patch left on my face from yesterday was faint as I did my best to avoid looking at it.

     The way Jordan handled me in the interrogation room..

I hadn't told Trey what had happened, they kept asking me on the way home and I just sat there in silence.

I knew telling Trey would cause more problems than we already had right now and I could not afford that.

    If Trey knew what Jordan did to me in that room, he would actually be placed on trial for murder and we did not need another pandemonium moment.

Combing my fingers through the messiness of my hair, I grabbed a matching hat and placed it on my head.

   Pulling it down, I made sure it was neatly on there
before grabbing my coverup shawl.

Holding it around my waist, I made sure the ring Trey had proposed to me with and the diamond necklace he had given me was noticeable with my attire.

   Leaving the bathroom, I passed our bedroom before heading downstairs were the murmur of the boys were.

Placing my bare feet at the bottom of the foyer, I walked slowly into the kitchen as their voices died down.

Earning their stares, it was Trey's who made me nervous as he looked stressed.

He was leaning over the counter talking to Bleu and once he saw me, he sat up and grabbed himself a glass. Throwing some ice into his cup, he poured himself a drink as I sighed and looked out back.

..Sitting in the sun, his hands were folded in concern as he waited for me to come outside. He looked a little off, but at the same time he looked like he was growing impatient for how long I was taking.

Me:..You'll guys be watching right?" I asked.

Bleu: Yeah, we are going to watch from right here." he said as I stared at Jackson.

Me: And what do I say again?"

Bleu: Just see if you can persuade him to change his testimony tomorrow. See if you can get him to either recant his initial testimony or see if you can get him to paint Trey in a good light or something." he said as I nodded.

Looking back at Jackson, I began to feel a little nervous even though coming to the house was my idea...

When Bleu and Trey brought this idea to my attention, I knew that Jackson would never come to the office.

When I wanted to meet him to discuss Manson's..ordeal he refused to show up at Trey's company.

His paranoia around that building was understandable being that he was terrified of Trey.

Coming to the house where the kids are would have made him feel safer and more vulnerable to the subjection I was about to put on him.

I needed Jackson relaxed.

Trey: Do you have to wear that?" he stressed as I looked down at my bikini.

Me:..He'll pay attention more babe." I eased as he grit his jaw.

Glaring his eyes away from me, he took a huge gulp of his drink before slamming the cup back onto the counter.

Turning away from his little temper tantrum, Bleu came over and pulled my shawl a little more over my chest.

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