Part Two: The Beating Of Daniel Jordan

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Trey POV

Hubbard: Your honor, please inform the witness that she does indeed have to answer my questions." he stressed as I smirked.

Kianna: You've asked me the same question 4 different ways, I am not answering that shit again." she sassed.

Glancing over at Bleu, he held his fingers over his
mouth as his woman made a mockery of the other side.

Expecting to see him frustrated with her making a joke of the courtroom, he instead found it amusing like everyone else did.

Drita, Waylon and Chase had already went although their testimonies were short lived.

Hubbard didn't have much questions for them and since they were only here to say good things about me, neither did Bleu.

Kianna: Do you have any other questions, or no? Because I have to pee-."

Hubbard: Your honor!-."

Judge Sionis: Ms. Marshall." he quieted down.

Judge Sionis: Today is already been a long day, may you please answer the question." he sighed as she dropped her shoulders.

Rolling her eyes, she sat back as Hubbard regained his composure.

Hubbard: Ms. Marshall."

Kianna: Mhm."

Hubbard: Did you or did you not witness James Cohen and Matthew Howard talking with Trey Davidson at Gold Room an hour before they died?"

Kianna: I don't know."

Hubbard: You don't know or you don't want to say?"

Kianna: I don't recall."

Hubbard: You don't recall?"

Kianna: Nope." she snipped.

Gritting his teeth at her, he stormed over to his table and snatched something off of it. Swinging on his heel, he charged back at her before slamming the piece of paper down in front of her.

Hubbard: Is this you the night at Trey Davidson's party outside of Gold Room?" he pressed her as she looked at the picture.

Kianna: Could be." she shrugged.

Sionis: Could be is not answer Ms. Marshall. Please answer the question." he urged as she looked away.

Gazing her eyes to Bleu and me for help, Bleu gave her a slight nod to answer the question.

Kianna:..Yes, that's me."

Hubbard: So you were there that night."

Kianna: Yes."

Hubbard: Were you present during the conversation between Cohen, Howard, and Davidson?"

Kianna: No."

Hubbard: Are you sure?" he slid lowly.

Hubbard: A few witnesses said you, Drita Kingston and Megan Kingsley who was front and center on Mr. Davidson's lap watched and heard the entire conversation." he cornered her.

Kianna: I remember Megan Kingsley sitting on his lap, but she always sits on his lap. That's her man-."

Hubbard: Ms. Marshall." he stressed as she smirked.

Hubbard: You were there during that conversation." he told her.

Hubbard: Witnesses have you at the table were Trey Davidson made the two officers apologize to Megan Kingsley before letting them leave and ordering two of his people to chase them down-."

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