Today's The Day Trey Davidson Goes To Jail

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Jordan POV

Waking up this morning, the fresh air from the opened window by my bed put a smile on my face. Sitting up, everything I hated in the morning I loved today.

The sound of my alarm clock blasting in my ear, I loved.

The birds chirping, yelling at each other to mate, I loved.

The breeze that made me shiver every morning, I loved.

This morning was the start of Justice. Court to get a deranged animal off the streets was only two hours away.

Turning to my wife, usually she was the first one up and getting ready for the day. Usually the alarms woke me out of my peaceful slumber, but I woke up before them.

Whipping out of bed, if I wasn't a man the kind of walk I was doing would be considered skipping. I hopped to the bathroom as cool as a feather as for once waking up in the city of ATL felt right.

Brushing my teeth, I felt the weight of my shoulders become lighter. Limping to the shower, I turned it on while I still had my tooth brush lodge in between my teeth.

Making it to the closet, I ignored my healing body as I was to eager to get everything ready to see Treyjuan Davidson finally get put away.

Justice tasted so sweet, but I was savoring a little part of it for the victory dance I was going to do when they put him in cuffs.

...Walking around here like he was the big man. It disgusted me how many people obeyed his command because he had money. He was one of the richest men in the world and because of that people thought he was untouchable.

Today was the day I proved them all wrong. Today was the day I showed people that money did not make the world spin.

Sliding her feet into the bathroom, I greeted her with a happy smile. Spitting the toothpaste out my wife groaned annoyed with me.

Mia: How are you up right now?" she whined.

Me: Because today is the day my lady." I gestured.

Me: Today is the day Trey Davidson goes to jail." I sung. Rolling her eyes she brushed her teeth. Spitting her toothpaste out she rinsed the sink.

Mia: Another black man going to jail is not something to rave about." she scorned running my joy.

Despite him being a criminal, any black man going to jail my wife hated. She hated the overpopulation in jails and the discrimination the justice system has towards black men.

In any other time I would stand with her, as black men we needed to do better but as a police officer so did we.

Me: Baby this is not just any black man. This is Treyjuan Davidson, the man who almost beat me to death." I said as she sighed.

Mia: Yeah I know but still, wasn't there any other way for him to express himself to you."

Me: No, that man is a animal. A deranged being, if it were up to him and he had more time he would have sunken my skull in." I said. Nodding, she understood my disdain as she went into our closet.

Mia: Do you know what you are going to wear yet?"

Me: I sure do." I smirked, pulling my dry cleaned suit out the closet. Holding it up like a trophy, I laid it on the bathroom counter.

Mia: Lord, do you need to steam it?"

Me: Na, I had it pressed and everything the other day." I said. Unzipping the zipper, the smell of success lingered into the air as I smirked.

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