Heed The Warning

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Anthony POV

Parking my car in the parking lot, I cut the engine off as I sat back. Looking into the cigar shop, I sighed as I  got out. Closing my car door, the cool breeze from the night air touched my skin as I threw my hoodie over my head.

Walking up to the entrance, I came in as the smell of cigars being lit salted my nose. Letting the door close behind me, I walked to the section as in structured.

Staring at the back of his head, I smirked as I came over and slowly took a seat across from him...

Me: Surprised you called." I teased as he blew the smoke out of his mouth.

Trey: Surprised you answered." he hissed.

Eyeing each other, he slowly sat up as he waved one of the workers over. The faint, but bloody wrap around his right hand caught my attention as one of the men came over to us.

Trey: Can you get my friend here another roll?"

Worker: Yes sir."

Trey: Preciate it." he nodded as the worker dismissed.

Sitting back, we eyed each other again as we sat in the silence. The worker quickly returned with my cigar setup, placing it down in front of me I thanked him as Trey waited for him to walk away.

Trey: You don't have to, I just figured you might need it." he said as he dumped his ashes onto his tray.

Me: Na, I won't be here for long."

Trey: You think so?"

Me: I know so, you called me here to ask me for a favor." I called out.

Me: I ain't doing you no favors." I snapped as he chuckled.

Lighting the end of his cigar again, he struggled a little bit as I kept eyeing his bandaged hand.

Trey: Ant, what favors do I need from you?" he taunted.

Trey: Real shit, what the hell could you possibly give me?"

Trey: I'm richer than you, I have more influence than you, I'm better then you, my girl is better than yours..." he mocked.

Trey: What could I possibly need from you?" he taunted already boiling my skin. Standing to my feet, he looked up at me as I glared down at him.

Me: Ion got time foe this shit." I growled at him.

Turning to leave his section, he cleared his throat.

Trey: I wouldn't do that Ant." he hinted as he kept his stare ahead of him.

Looking over my shoulder at him, I frowned as I slowly looked around the room. I didn't see them before, but the moment he threw me that hint their faces appeared out of thin air.

With June and Lucas sitting on the high chairs to Bleu and Kollin relaxing at the bar I grit my teeth as I slowly backed up and sat back down...

Easing myself into the couch, he smirked with his eyes as I placed my elbows on my knees.

Me: Couldn't talk to me on yo own huh?"

Trey: They're here for you, not for me." he said plainly.

Trey: With how I am feeling lately, they are your saving grace." he slithered.

Holding back my insult, we stared each other down once more before I reached over the table and grabbed my cigar. Cutting the end of it, I placed it to my lips as he leaned over and lit the end for me.

Watching him carefully, he simply sparked it for me before cutting it off. Sitting back, he lit his again as I sucked in and blew out...

Me:..I'm listening." I said as he smirked.

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