Megan's Floor

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Trey POV

Placing her hand on her belly, she hummed to herself as I smirked at her. She was staring out of the window as I drove down the road. Watching the cars I raced by beep their horn at us, she smirked to herself as she kept humming.

Me: What you ova there thinking about?" I asked as she looked over at me.

Megan: I was thinking about what the doctors are going to say." she smiled.

Megan: Whether it is a boy or a girl." she said.

Me: I think this time you are carrying a boy." I said as she scoffed.

Megan: No, I am afraid you are wrong on that."

Me: And how is that?"

Megan: Because it is a girl, I can feel it." she pressed as I sucked my teeth.

Me: You can feel it like last time huh?" I teased as she rolled her neck.

Megan: Yes and clearly I was right." she proved as I gave her that.

Me: Damn." I hated as I merged off the highway.

Megan: What?"

Me: Soon, I am going to be surrounded by all women."

Megan: You already are." she giggled.

Me: I mean more women." I loathed as I pulled into the doctor's parking lot.

Parking the car in the front, I put it in park as she happily unbuckled her seat belt. Moving the seatbelt out of the way, I noticed how big she had grown in such a short amount of time.

I wasn't no expert or nun, but I was very positive that it takes a minute for a woman's belly to get as big as hers looked right now.

Megan: What's wrong?" she asked me as I stared up at her.

Me: How many weeks are you?"

Megan: I don't know, maybe 6?" she winced as I shook my head.

Me: Na, you gotta be longer then that baby." I worried.

Megan: Well Trey, I kinda just found out the other day. I might have been pregnant before we did the test for a few weeks, so I really don't know." she said softly.

Looking back down at her stomach, I placed my hand over it as it felt like a warm cocoon. Feeling around it, it did not feel off or oddly incorrect as I started to worry her.

Megan: What?" she mumbled shyly.

Me: Nothing, let's get you in here pretty lady." I reassured as I climbed out of the car.

Shutting my car door, I went around and opened her car door for her. Trying to hold her purse, she tried climbing out on her own as I smirked.

Me: Let the purse go." I slicked.

Megan: No, I have to be careful with it." she corrected. Shaking my head, I lifted her out of the seat and onto the ground as she closed the door.

Megan: I wonder what Dr. Massenburg is going to say." she loved at the sound of her favorite doctors name.

Megan: Hey, how come we never asked her to be the midwife for Kylie?" she asked as we walked up to the doors.

Me: Ion know, maybe we can ask her this time if you want."

Megan: I do want."

Me: Then you shall have." I told opening the door for her.

Coming here last time, I was familiar with the procedure as I nudged M to take a seat. Making sure she was settled, I walked up to the counter were the lady from our last visit recognized me immediately.

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