The Almighty Duo

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Megan POV

Kylie: Daddy!" she screamed as I let her run ahead.

Smiling, I watched as he bent down and scooped her up. Soaring her through the air, he brought her down to his lips as he kissed her repeatedly.

Their love exchange warmed my heart as she could not get enough of her Dad. Kissing his cheek, he held her on his hip as I joined them.

Trey: You two look beautiful today, where y'all going?" he asked as he kissed my forehead.

Me: We are going to the aquarium today." I smiled.

Trey: The big one with the tunnel sharks and shit?"

Me: Yes." I laughed at his wording.

Me: It's the one with the glass ceiling and you can walk through and see the animals." I corrected.

Me: We were on the way there and she saw your building and wanted to stop." I said as he smirked.

Trey: Damn, I wanted to take y'all to that shit." he said as I blushed.

Me: Oh, okay we can go do something else then." I said as Kylie whined.

Kylie: No I want the aquwiam." she tried her best to pronounce.

Me: I know but daddy wants to go with us so we have to wait until he can." I let down as she stared that crying.

Forcing her cheeks red, she started lowly sobbing as it was only getting to Trey. I had been with her long enough that I knew her game now.

   Crying for me to say yes, I stood my ground as she turned it to her father. Growing more upset, he sucked his teeth as he babied her.

Trey: Aight, aight." he gave in as I scolded.

Trey: We can go."

Me: Don't you have that meeting today?" I hinted as Kylie now buried her head into his neck.

Trey: Yeah but that shit can wait."

Me: When is it?"

Trey: Inna about 15mins." he shrugged as I gasped.

Me: Treyjuan you can not miss that." I asserted.

Trey: M, it ain't no big deal." he asserted back.

Trey: I'll have Bleu call them people up and reschedule for later today." he said as I stressed.

Trey: Why you stressing foe?"

Me: Because Trey this meeting is important, you need to figure out what's going to happen." I urged.

Trey: and I will, them niggas will be aight. Bleu will handle it." he said as the company doors were opening up.

Trey: We was on our way over there when you and baby girl pulled up so we was gonna be late anyway." he chuckled as Kylie continued to snuggle to him.

  Rolling my eyes, I looked away from him as he carelessly threw this away. This meeting wasn't just any meeting, it was a meeting about whether or not he was going to go to jail.

Attacking and beating a man with a metal pole was bad, very bad and even though he was Trey Davidson, I did not see his consequences being any lighter.

His careful fingers brushed under my chin as he made me look at him. Reading my mind, he had a gentle smile on his face.

Trey: Everything will be cool aight, stop stressin." he said carefully.

Trey: Any chance I get to have with you and Ky, you know I'ma chose that." he said as I flourished.

Trey: So lighten up and come on." he said.

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