Not A Big Deal?

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Megan POV

Draping a towel over his shoulder, we walked hand and hand as the shuttle dropped us off back at the house.

Everyone's energy was charismatic as we all were drenched from the time on the jet skis.

      The sun was beaming on us today so to me it felt like we were coming in from a pool day like kids who needed a sandwich and some chips afterwards.

Ceelo: So when do I get that money nigga??" he boasted as the guys laughed.

Trey: Don't worry I'ma give it to you back at the house." he laughed as Ceelo had won their bet.

   To each of our amazement, Ceelo was able to get himself on the jet ski and ride around. It took him a minute, but he was able to prove Trey wrong and win that deal.

    I think he was more motivated because Sam was watching on the shore and he did not want to embarrass himself in front of her.

The two of them had gotten very cozy lately, cozy as in wedding bells could be in their near future.

    Coming into the house, we all broke off in the directions of our rooms as the cool air from inside felt good.

Lucas: We going out to eat tonight Trey?" he yelled from the other side.

Trey: If y'all want to we can, or we can order in." he said back.

Lucas: Aight." he ended.

  Leading us to our room, I let his hand go as he closed the door behind us. The doors around the house closed as everyone was set to do their own thing now for a little while.

   Heading to the bathroom, I put my towel on the bathroom sink as Trey came in behind me. Throwing his down on the floor, he turned on the shower to get washed up.

Trey: What you wanna do?" he asked me.

Me: What do I wanna do?"

Trey: We got some time on our hands before they wanna hangout as a group so what you wanna do?" he repeated.

       Fiddling my fingers, I dreaded my next words out of my mouth however I really wanted to get this conversation over with.

Everything since my outburst at the table seemed normal after I apologized, however I could see the resistance in his body language to me at some points.

It was like he was still studying me or making sure he did not say something to set me off again. As much as I appreciate him being careful around me I was not a fragile trophy, I was fine.

Me:..Do you want to have that talk?" I mumbled as he looked up at me.

Trey; Right now?"

Me:.Why not?" I spoke up a little.

      Staring at me with those hesitant eyes again, he turned to the shower and turned it off. Walking over to the tub, he leaned on it and folded his arms as if he was giving me the floor.

Me:..Aren't you gonna ask me any questions?"

Trey: You know what I want to hear Megan." he snipped a bit.

       Twisting my lip nervously, I leaned back on the counter as I forced myself to grow a set of balls and tell him what I did. Licking my tongue over my teeth our silence waited to be filled by me.

Me: A few days after we had gotten home, when I told you I was okay.."

Me: I wasn't." I mumbled.

Me: After leaving that hospital, after going what I went through with the twins and those doctors...It was like something in me snapped."

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