A Fiancé, A Brother, A Best Friend.

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Trey POV

Staring out of the window, I watched the cars drive by on the highway. Rubbing my thumb and pointer finger through my beard, I held my elbow up against my chest to keep it sturdy.

    Racing thoughts loomed over in my head as peace never availed it. Gritting my teeth hard, I pressed my chin to my chest carefully.

Me:.Megan's doing alright.."

Me: She is conscious..just not awake." I said turning to him.

Me: All she has to do is wake up and she'll be good." I smiled lowly as I looked at him.

     The doctors had removed the tube from his throat as he was breathing on his own now. However they compared his recovery to Megan's and said it was most likely that it would not last.

Wiring tubes in his nose and around his neck, it was suppose to help him work on breathing on his own.

But with how his chest was barely moving up and down, I was beginning to wonder if the doctors knew what they were doing.

Glancing at the tube on the counter for him once more, I continued my vital and comforting conversation.

Me: Kianna, mann.." I chuckled to myself.

Me: I see why she stresses you out my nigga."

Me: Girl won't take no for an answer, she fought almost everyone on this floor including me to get to you." I smirked.

Me: I ain't want no smoke so I let her in." I snorted.

Me: She been in here with you everyday, making sure the doctors give you the best treatment in the books."

Me: If it won't for her, you would probably still have that damn tube down yo throat." I sighed sitting down next to him.

Staring at his bruised face, I clutched my fist as I felt my fury begin to tremble in my hands.

Seeing him like this, so vulnerable and helpless I couldn't help but to think that this was all my fault. Brothers or not, he stood by me no matter what.

The decisions I made, he stood by them.

He never judged me or made me feel like a bad person, he defended me and when he could he advised me. Even with my stubbornness, he urged wise council into my anyway.

I use to hate how much he wanted me to do the right thing, but now doing the right thing for him was all I wanted to do for some reason.

Me: Ant came to see you.." I said to him.

Me: He came and sat with you while me and the bros sat behind him."

Me: He probably thought we were going to kick him out but we didn't. I let him stay for a bit."

Me: Shocking right?" I smirked as if he was laughing with me.

Me: Yeaa..him getting here did not happen with ease."

Me: Of course I thought it was him that did this to you so I paid him a little visit and we had a lil..talk." I grinned.

Remembering the fight between me and Anthony, I snorted a laugh as I remembered Renee jumping on my back.

Me: You know Renee ass jumped on me nigga?" I laughed.

Me: She wrapped her hands around my neck and yanked me off him." I continued.

Me: I have to say, I underestimated how strong that woman is. She damn near choked my ass."

Me: I threw her off of me and before you judge me I ain't hurt her for real.. I just got her up off me." I cautioned.

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