The Sinking Ship..

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Megan POV

Thomas: He has been gone for months." he complained as I rubbed my head in stress.

A throbbing headache took over me as I rubbed my temples carefully.

Bleu: He is coming back, we all know this." he snapped.

Garth: Coming back when? The trades he has been passing are good but not good enough." he said.

Garth: Carrington has taken the lead again." he whined.

Garth: He has put a 2.3 billion dollar gap between Trey and him. At this rate Trey will not be number 1 by the end of the year." he issued.

Kollin: Trey will be number 1 by the end of the year." he corrected.

Kollin: If he said he would then he will."

Thomas: I know his word is bond around here but right now I am looking at facts, at statistics." he snarled.

Thomas: With Jerome out of the way, he doesn't have to worry about anyone else competing against him besides Carrington."

Kollin: He never did worry about anyone else." he defended again.

Thomas: Well he needs to start. This 5 month gap he has left has let a few sharks in. Now it's open ocean again." he ignored.

Thomas: They will think he is weak if he doesn't get back out there." he insulted.

Marcellious: Thomas let me ask you something?"  he sat up.

Marcellious: Have you ever been shot before?"

Thomas: No."

Kollin: Do you want to?" he said as I kicked him under the table.

Kollin: I'm just asking, because you seem to have no understanding for what happened to Trey."

Thomas: I have a clear understanding of what happened to him but I also have an understanding of the industry we are in. The moment everyone figures out that he is out of the game, shit is going to get real bad."

Garth: People are going to start questioning the company and him. Some of them already think he is dead-."

Bleu: We don't care about the gossip. He doesn't care about that shit." he spit.

Bleu: He cares that we keep this shit afloat until he comes back to work."

Thomas: And how long is that going to take?" he scoffed.

Thomas: This ship that we are all on is sinking. Our ship is sinking and the Captain is no where to be found!" he engaged.

Kollin: The Captain is onboard, but you won't be if you keep complaining." he snarled.

Kollin: Trey left a whole plan for us, all we have to do is stick to it-."

Garth: For how long?!" he yelled now making my head spin. The constant back and forth was driving me to insanity as I did my best to hold on my next outburst.

Garth: We are losing right now so when is he coming back-."

Me: Stop asking when he is coming back!" I finally yelled silencing the room. Lifting my head, I glared at the execs as I sat at the head of the table.

M: He will be back on his own time, for now it is none of your concern." I hissed.

Thomas: It is very much our concern." he snapped.

Thomas: I understand the circumstances but yet again he is missing from HIS company. Carrington has already passed 4 major trades, he is now going to be very hard to catch up to-."

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