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Drita POV

Megan: GET AWAY FROM ME!" her voice shrieked as I pranced down the hall. Holding the ice pack in my hand, I entered Trey's office to the mayhem Megan created.

Sitting on his desk, she was surrounded by people trying to help her. From the swelling under her eye, to the bleeding scratches going across her stomach..

Her ruined pretty brown outfit and her cute hairstyle was all ruined as she cried. Slapping away the hands of the people who were trying to help her she did not want anyone touching her.

Rambling on about the whereabouts of Trey and the boys, we had no idea what actually happened to her.

Her and Kylie came in here, both of them crying.
From the beaten and battered state she was in, I knew it was something bad.

Megan: I said stop touching me!" she shouted as a male employee tried to take her heels off. Pushing him away from her, I took his spot as I placed the ice pack against her cheek.

Megan: W-Why are all these people in here?" she trembled as I carefully patted her eye.

Me: They are just trying to help you M that's all."

Megan: I-I don't want their help, I want Trey! Where is he!"

Me: He is coming okay, just relax." I consoled as she shook.

I wasn't even sure if she was aware that her whole body was shaking like a woman's vibrator. Her glossy red eyes were shot as she buzzed them around the room frantically.

Moving the ice pack up, she winced as I applied pressure on the bleeding cut close to her eyeball.

Dropping a few tears down her face, they fell onto my arm as I soothed her. Being this close to her now, I could see a cut in her lip as some dirt was still mixed in her hair.

Glancing my eyes down, the indents of a pair of handcuffs were linked around her arm as I stiffened. Grabbing one, I turned her arm inward to get a better look.

The indents were so deep, she was cut on her right arm to the white meat. Small scratches like she had resisted an arrest decorated her arm. Looking back at her, our eyes met as she held in a sob.

Me:..What happened M?" I worried as she shook her head. Clasping her lips together, she profusely denied to answer me.

Me: M you have to tell me something." I hurt as she cried.

Running tears like a waterfall went down her face as she sniffled shyly. Wiping her left eye roughly, she carefully dabbed the right one to avoid touching the swelling area.

Megan: They tried to arrest me.."

Me: Who?"

Megan: I-I don't know." she pained.

Megan: He just kept saying the car was s-stolen." she told as I rolled my neck.

Me: The Bentley?"

Megan: Y-Yes, they kept saying it was stolen 2 hours ago and I tried to tell him that was wrong but they weren't listening to me." she cried.

Megan: Then they told me to step out of the car and I asked them for what but they wouldn't say! They just kept telling me to get out!" she continued.

Megan: A-And when I tried to text Trey the officer opened my door and dragged me out of the car!" she raged.

Megan: I couldn't do anything and Kylie was in the backseat crying!"

Megan: They were on top of me and I couldn't breathe! I couldn't fucking breathe and I said that!"

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