She Read The F*** Outta You Boo

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Megan POV

Fixing my glasses, I glossed my lips once more as Monae and Kylie ran through the bathroom.

Me: No running!" I sung as Monae chased Kylie.

   Running out of the bathroom, I rolled my eyes as I fixed my lashes. Of course, Trey was able to get Monae out of school and on a plane as well as Morgan off of work on a plane here.

I figured a sisters day would be needed, I never really spent much time with Morgan let alone Monae. Being that she was years younger then both of us, I saw more of Morgan then I saw of Monae.

Hearing her laughter and joy mixed with my daughters made it hard for me to tell them to be quiet.

Stepping back in the mirror, I pulled my black dress over my belly a little more as my giant fleece jacket covered me.

From the light purple, yellow, red and green colors it matched well with my Chelsea boots. The glasses on my face were an accessory as the many bracelets hanging around my wrist were as well.

Wearing Trey's diamond necklace, his engagement ring sat nice and comfortable around my finger as Kylie and Monae ran back in here.

Me: Nae enough, seriously." I warned as she sighed.

Stopping Kylie from running, she was a bit out of breath as Kylie ran around her legs.

Monae: I don't know how she is not tired." she breathed.

Me: Should have stopped when I told you too." I teased as she rolled her eyes.

Monae: Are you ready?"

Me: Yeah, let me just get my purse." I said as she nodded.

Me: Make sure her shoes are on when you guys get downstairs please."

Monae: Got you."

Me: And do not run."

Monae: Okay mother, we got it." she fanned off as her and Kylie took off running.

Cursing my younger sister, I cleaned off the bathroom counter before going into the closet to pick a purse.

Grabbing the footstool, I was about to climb up it when I heard him enter the bathroom.

Trey: I know you ain't about to do what I think you is." he warned as I sighed. Climbing back down the two steps, I moved out of the way as he stood in front of me.

Me: The YSL one." I pointed as he reached it. Handing it to me, I smiled small as he smirked at my outfit.

Trey: You look sexy." he bit his lip as my cheeks flourished.

Me: You like the glasses?"

Trey: Most definitely. You look like a sexy school teacher." he lusted as we left my closet.

Me: They go with the outfit." I shrugged as we came back into the mirror.

Trey: Well I'm diggin them and you in this dress." he crept up behind me.

Pressing himself against me, I watched in the mirror as he kissed my neck repeatedly. Blushing, my phone buzzed on the counter as I reached for it.

Turning it over, Drita's name popped up with a text.

Me: They must be here." I said without even opening it. Stopping his kisses, he looked at the watch around his wrist.

Trey: Yeah they here." he said as I sighed. Pouting a little but, I turned to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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