M, Doesn't Drink.

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Megan POV

Fixing my shirt, the doors opened as I plastered a bright smile on my face. As fake as it was, it was believable as employees smiled back at me.

After my outburst towards everybody, rebranding my professional image was imperative. Randomly roaming the third floor, I stopped to check in on a few employees at a time.

They seemed happy to see me, waving and smiling again as I continued my fake my gestures. Coming to the end, I slowed my role as a boy with glasses worked on his computer.

His face was all too familiar as Nalani's story about him reminisced in my head. Gritting my teeth, the smile on his face irritated me as I walked past and back downstairs.

The eyes of Bleu and Kollin were ignored by me as I kept my head up, walking past them and back into his office as I closed the doors. I knew I owed a few people some apologies but I wasn't ready yet.

I just found it very ironic, very contradictory how they treated me. Everyone saw when Trey was drunk.

Drunk at meetings.

Drunk at seminar's.

Drunk at important events.

Everyone knew he was abusing the drinks he kept in his office, but no one stopped him. They did not treat him like a child, instead they let him do him. They made excuses for him, but for me?

I was a lady.

I was a woman.

Getting drunk in the middle of the day was classless, and inappropriate.

  The threats about telling Trey didn't really bother, he was the reason I was drinking anyway. Back to his alter ego, there was nothing happy going on in my life besides Kylie.

Spinning around in his office chair, the amount of emails coming to my computer ticked at me as I opened the second drawer slowly.

I knew the special juice was gone, but pretending it was there had an odd soothing nature to it. It was the only thing that kept me sane at this job, it was the only thing that made me understand why Trey did it.

Closing the drawer, the double doors of his office opened. Walking in unannounced again, I rolled my eyes as Stavia and the boys followed behind him.

Reading something off his iPad, I watched as she held a similar iPad to mine as she did her best to run after Trey.

Trey: You organized it right?"

Stavia: Yes sir." she assisted.

Trey: Alright I need you to email Scally back, tell him I can sign the last contract." he said as I frowned now.

Stavia: Alright, is there anything else you need me to do?"

Trey: Na, I shared you on the board so I'll text you when to come meet me." he said.

Trey: Please remember what I said, I am never late. Which means you can never be late.

Trey: I run a very tight and efficient business which means the person assisting me needs to be very tight and efficient like me."

Trey: You are to be on time every morning, no later than the time I gave you." he spoke as I slowly rose from my seat.

Trey: You get one time to be late and you are fired. Am I clear?" he demanded as she smiled big.

Stavia: Yes sir." she cheesed hugging her iPad.

Turning his head to me, his eyes were hard like stone as I looked at her and then back at him. I recognized the "new assistant" speech he was giving her almost immediately..

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