Audacity Must Be On Sale

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Megan POV

Burning down my throat again, I swallowed it while stuffing the bottle back in his drawer. Shoving the cup in there, I closed it shut as the double doors opened.

Walking in with his snarky attitude, I rolled my eyes as I did my best to keep the drunken sailor in me at bay.

Thomas: Where is Trey?"

Me: Good Morning." I smiled as he glared.

Thomas: I was told to meet him here." he snipped as I frowned.

Me: I think that was a mistake." I answered as he scoffed.

Thomas: Knowing you, you probably don't pay attention." he insulted as I laughed.

Thomas: Trey sent me a direct email to come to his office for a personal meeting."

Me: Well Mr. Thomas, I'm afraid you are mistaken again." I said.

Me: There is no meeting for you and Trey on the calendar. He is not even coming in today." I stated.

Chuckling, he folded his arms as he stared at me at the front desk.

Thomas: You like sitting in his spot don't you?" he taunted as I frowned.

Me: I actually don't, I would rather be at home."

Thomas: I beg to differ." he continued.

Thomas: Ever since he left, you've been but a raging-."

Me: Careful." I sat up.

Me: I didn't tell Trey about yesterday, the next few words out of your mouth just might make me remember." I hissed.

Curling his lip, he faked a smile as he changed the direction of his words.

Thomas:..He's losing you know?" he said.

Thomas: If he does not get back to work. There is no way Carrington is going to get caught." he issued. Eyeing him, I sighed as his presence was oddly annoying.

Me: He will be here Thomas. He will be back, but until then please leave." I smiled.

Thomas: I told you, I have a meeting with him." he snapped. Before I could object, the double doors opened again as Bleu, Marcellious and Kollin came in.

They had their binders tucked under their arms as he came in last. Wiping the smile off of my face, he was dressed professionally as Thomas turned to me and smirked.

Thomas: Good Morning Trey." he taunted as I looked away.

Trey: Good Morning Thomas." he said reaching his hand out. Shaking it firmly, he turned to me as I sat at his desk.

Thomas: You called me to talk?"

Trey: Briefly."

Thomas: I hope it is about you coming back." he grinned as I rolled my eyes. Eyeing him, he gestured to the couch for Thomas to have a seat.

Trey: Have a seat Thomas, let's discuss." he directed.

Taking his seat gracefully, Trey looked at me as I got up. Moving around his desk, he didn't have to kick me out I could do it myself.

After last night, we hadn't spoken. He slept somewhere else in the house and when he came to shower we walked past each other like we didn't know one another.

Doing the same here, he cut his eyes down at me as I looked ahead. I didn't feed into his demons as I walked past him, heading for the doors like I was never there.

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