One Shady Ass Lawyer

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Trey POV

Scrolling through the media, I gritted my teeth at the boomerang of Megan smacking Renee on the front post of TheShadeRoom. Sliding through the rest of the post, I sighed as I shut my phone off and slid it across the table.

  The bad publicity she was getting angered me. I wasn't angry with her, I actually enjoyed seeing the slap from hell go across Renee's face, she had it coming.

She was lucky it wasn't me who heard the comment she made about my daughter, I would have snapped her in two.

Forget about a man putting his hands on a woman, I would rock her world just like she had been taunting me too.

I knew what I was saying was morally wrong and as a man I should not be threatening a woman..

   But Renee was no woman, she was a snake that needed to be beheaded. Folding my hands into a fist over my face, the opening of my double doors welcomed them in.

Kollin: First time seeing you here bright and early." he teased as they came in.

Me: I had work to do." I snipped a bit.

Kollin: I see, you definitely here to work.." he gestured to my desk.

Looking down at it, it was empty. The only thing on it was my phone that I had threw down. Flaring my nose, I sat back in my chair as they sat at the couches.

Bleu:..How's M?"

Me: Upset." I stated.

Me: When I left for work this morning she was curled up in a ball. She's embarrassed."

Marcellious: She shouldn't be. Renee had that slap coming from a mile away."

Bleu: On God. I'm still trying to figure out how Anthony thought that shit he pulled last night was okay?"

Kollin: That nigga scary as hell. He knew showing up to the event was gone be his only safety guard." he chuckled.

Kollin: The nigga was legit untouchable." he snorted as I rubbed my fingers together.

Me: They got something up their sleeves." I said in a trance.

Bleu: Oh fasho, did you see the way Jordan was greeting them? That bitch ass nigga helped them."

Kollin: He didn't just help them, he is working with them."

Marcellious: He never stopped." he said getting up from the couch.

Marcellious: He never stopped working wit them mothafuckas." he repeated as if I did not hear him.

Bleu: Not only is he working for them, but he clearly has his own agenda." he said as I looked at him.

The wavering of his eye contact let me know that what he found out was going to piss me off more than I already was.

Bleu:..Anthony's attorney reached out to me." he said as I popped my knuckle.

Bleu:..Renee wants to press assault charges on M-."

Kollin: Oh fuck no!" he spit as I felt my rage burning again.

Kollin: That nigga gone have to see me at this point." he said as my fuse was lit.

Marcellious: Hol on now, nigga you said Jordan?"

Bleu: I said Jordan cause he approved it. He sent me a warrant for M's arrest-." His words never finished as I swiped the statue on my desk off and onto the ground.

Crashing into pieces, that shaking fire in the palms of my hands coursed throughout my body as I dropped my head.

Staring at the ground underneath my desk, I was doing my best to control how quickly the angry thoughts were piling up against me.

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