Dt. Jennifer Carter

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Megan POV

Deepening his strokes, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as it hit the ceiling of his car.

Tightening his grip around my throat, the orgasm that left my body oozed out of me and onto him as he came right after.

Trey: Fuck.." he cursed as he came. Breathing heavily, we came to our senses as he slowly let my neck go.

Trey:..What you got going on today?" he asked as I sat on his lap.

Me: Um, nothing really." I said as he nodded. Looking at the shiny sweat on his chest, I wiped some of it as he caressed my hips.

Me:..What time are you coming home today?"

Trey: Uh, ion really know fasho yet. I gotta few meetings today."

Me: With Commissioner Tate?" I asked as he nodded.

Trey: Yeah he wants to talk about this Detective he wants me to sponsor."

Me: Detective?" I frowned.

Trey:  Yeah, some lady." he shrugged. Sitting up from him, I laid my back against the steering wheel as I looked at him.

Me: He wants you to sponsor her for what?"

Trey: For Cheif of Police, Jordan is going for it and he don't want him to win. He needs this Carter bitch to win for some reason."  he said so nonchalantly.

Knowing Trey by now, everything he did was for a reason.

He was practical, he was strategic. I understood his reasoning for needing Commissioner Tate but now another cop?

Me: You don't think that's too much?"

Trey: What is too much?" he frowned now.

Me: The police Trey..you don't think letting two of them in is going to be bad?"

Trey: Bad how M?" he frustrated.

Me: Bad as in..don't you think they will find out what we did?" I asked as he sucked his teeth.

Trey: M."

Me: I am serious Trey." I worried as he acted like nothing was wrong.

Trey: I know you are serious but you have nothing to worry about. I know what I'm doing."

Me: I know you do Trey, but what if something goes wrong? What if something gets out and they find out?" I pressed as he sighed stressfully.

Me: I am not trying to stress you but babe with the company and everything you can't afford to let people in. Especially the police." I told.

Trey: I am not letting people in, again I know what I am doing."

Me: I know that but Trey, the company-."

Trey: You don't work there anymore Megan." he snapped as I closed my mouth.

Trey: Stop worrying about a place you don't work anymore, I don't need yo stress on top of mine." he continued as that stung a little. Nodding my head, I slid off of him as he began to regret his choice of words.

Trey: All I am saying is this-."

Me: I get it Trey." I mumbled.

Me: I got it, let's just..go back." I said slipping my clothes on.

   Eyeing me, I avoided his eyes as I put all of my clothes back on. Buttoning my shirt, I leaned on the glass window waiting for him to drive off and head back to the office.

Sighing, he put his shirt back on and buttoned his pants before turning the car on and leaving the cut off spot.

  Merging onto the highway, the drive back to his office was full of painful tension yet again. If it was possible, I had scrunched myself up against the door as tight as I could as he drove back.

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