Now Is Not The Time For This.

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Megan POV

Balling my fist against my legs I let out the world's best stretch as I slowly opened my eyes..

Looking around our room, the bed was empty as Trey was not on his side of the bed. The outline of his body was imprinted in our silk sheets as I slowly sat up. 

Murmured voices and familiar laughs made me frown as his laugh stood outside the door.

Trey: Will do!" he yelled to someone as he opened the door. Swinging it open, the bright smile on his face wavered a bit as he noticed I was awake.

Pulling his smile up again, his energy this morning seemed off..

Trey: Good Morning pretty lady." he bit his lip as I smiled small.

Trey: You look good."

Me:..I'm just getting up." I mumbled as I got off the bed.

Slugging to the bathroom, I immediately rinsed my mouth and began brushing my teeth. Cleaning my mouth, I watched in the mirror as he leaned on the door frame of our bathroom.

His eyes stayed trained on me as frowned a bit, spitting out the toothpaste as he just stood there.

Rinsing my face from the toothpaste, I turned the sink off and dried myself as his eyes never wavered.

Eyeing him now, the look in his eye was odd.

Like he was trying to study me for an answer or something.

Me: What?" I blurted as he snapped out of it.

Coming off the bathroom door, he stood behind me as we stared at each other through the mirror.

Trey: Why do you always say what, like me looking at you is bad or something?"

Me: Why do you always look at me like you have never seen me before?" I teased back.

Trey: I asked you first." he smirked as I did.

Me:..I don't know. I guess because when you look at me I want to know what your thinking and if it is good or bad." I shrugged as he nodded.

Trey: I stare at you like I have never seen you before because I still have not wrapped my mind around the fact that you are mine." he said as I blushed a little.

Smiling at each other through the mirror, he broke our stare to kiss me on the neck. Making them sloppy he earned a schoolgirl laugh from me as his beard tickled me.

Me: Trey, okay." I laughed as I tried to push his face away.

Holding me in place, my laughter turned into snorting giggles as he would not let up. Bending over in front of him, he bent over with me to keep kissing me as I did not understand where all this love and attention was coming from.

Me: Treyjuan what is up with you today??" I giggled as I finally got free.

Trey: Nun, I just can't help myself." he lusted as I moved away from him.

Trey: I just perfect to me." he said seriously as our playfulness died down a bit.

Burning in my cheeks, my blushing turned to shyness as he stare on me was once again odd.

I mean don't get me wrong, I have caught Trey looking at me like this before but not as intense as he was looking at me now.

That study in his eyes scanned me all over as I put my messy hair behind my ear. Nodding his head, he answered his own questions looming around in his mind before snapping out of it.

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