Outrageous Accusations

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Megan POV

Me: Ky, walk please." I urged holding her hand.

Turning her skips into walking feet, we followed her Uncle Bleu around the courthouse.

Keeping my eyes from the people who were walking past us, I felt like an intruder as they seemed to recognize me.

Coming down a narrow hallway, we turned to an empty one as a judge walked out of one of the rooms.

   Stopping at the furthest door, Bleu peered in before turning and waving us to follow him inside.

Walking in slowly, the empty court room made me feel uneasy as Bleu walked in with no care. Slipping down the middle aisle, he walked past the gates and onto the court floor like last time.

Going over to the left table, he placed his briefcase down as I slowly walked down the aisle behind him.

Me: You sure we can be in here Bleu?"

Bleu: Yes M, I called earlier don't worry." he said as he unloaded his papers.

Me: No ones going to say anything?"

Bleu: No and if they do, I know how to fix that." he smirked as I stopped before the court floor.

Taking the last files out of his briefcase, he closed and placed it on the ground as he took a seat when Kylie tried to pull away from my hand.

Watching as he put his papers in order, he glanced over at me before taking a double take at my concerned expression.

Bleu: What?"

Me: Nothing..it's just seems like we aren't supposed to be in here." I mumbled as he sighed.

Bleu: M, come on. We don't have all day." he pressed kindly.

Bitting my inner lip, I walked onto the court floor as I pulled Kylie with me.

Bleu: You sit up there and I'll be over here." he gestured to the witness stand.

Looking over it, I held my breath a little as I let Kylie's hand go. Going over to it, there was a little step up stool that helped me climb up on the chair.

The tiny door keeping it enclosed had a little clasp that I slipped back and let myself in.

Sitting down in the chair, I gazed at the court room as the room looked bigger then it did when we first walked in here. It looked way wider and huger then the day Trey was sentenced as well.

From the view of the witness chair, my nerves started to kick up as I realized in two days every pew would be full of people watching and listening to what I say.

Tilting my head to the left of me, the 12 empty chairs where 12 people would be sitting and judging everything I say only made my anxiety worse as I began to understand what I had signed up for.

Folding my hands on my lap, I picked at my acrylic manicure as Bleu cleared his throat and stood up.

Bleu: Alright M, I am going to ask you a few questions. All you have to do is answer them to the best of your knowledge okay?" he said as I just looked up at him.

Putting his head up from the paper he was reading, he stared at me and saw the anxious buzz in my eyes as I did not respond to his first instruction.

Bleu: M..you okay?" he asked as I felt my ears burn.

Me:..I..I don't think I can do this.." I whispered as he sighed.

Me: They're all going to be looking at me..laughing at me. Reminding me of what they have done to me..." I mumbled as I looked on the side where Jordan's team would be sitting.

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