Hate The Game, Not The Player

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Megan POV

  Laying on my back, I played with my twins as they bounced around in my belly. Usually, I would expect to be in pain but I wasn't. We were having a good time together.

Everytime I touched a part of my belly, they would kick it. If I touched another part they would kick that part as well. It was like they were following me, following my touch as it put a smile on my face.

Playing around with them some more, his snorting laugh me made glare as he stood in the door way.

Trey: You look stuck." he joked as I gritted my teeth.

Me: I am not stuck." I hissed as I sat myself up.

Me: I am playing a game with the twins." I mumbled putting my hand back down.

Trey: A game?" he asked.

Me: Yeah." I said as my son kicked back.

       Coming over, he sat down next to me and placed his hand on my belly. Feeling their playful kicks, he smirked as he moved to the other side and felt them follow him.

Trey: They feel big."

Me: Yeah that's the boy and this is the girl." I pointed at them as he sucked his teeth.

Trey: Now how can you tell miss lady?"

Me: Because I can feel them. I can feel their energy." I loved as he didn't believe me.

Trey: I'm sure you can." he played along.

Me: I'm for real Trey, I know which one is which." I smiled. Smiling at me, he gazed at my stomach again.

Trey:..They really are getting big."

Me: I know right." I said rubbing over them.

Me: They are growing faster then Kylie.." I mumbled as he caught the worry in my voice.

Trey: Don't start that M." he got up as I watched him.

Trey:  You are going to be fine."

Me: I feel like I can pop any day now for some reason." I sighed.

Me: There is no way I am getting any bigger then this."

Trey: Well if you do, you will still be aight. You ain't got nothing to worry about." he said going into the bathroom.

Me: You getting ready already?" I asked as he turned the shower on.

Trey: Yeah baby girl that shit is a long drive away. You need to be getting up with me if you want to be on time for your first charity event." he echoed as I rolled my eyes.

Running my hands through the silk sheets, I sighed as he was right. Dangling my feet off the bed, I walked to the bathroom behind him.

     Washing my face, I climbed into the shower after him and got washed up. Climbing out before him, I wrapped my towel around my waist as it barely made it around my body.

Me: Ridiculous.." I hissed drying off.

Throwing the towel away like it was the towels fault, I went into the closet and yanked another sundress off the hanger. By now, I hated sundresses.

I hated how they looked.

I hated how they felt.

I hated how they matched.

                                                    I hated sundresses.

I had been wearing one for each day it felt like and I was tired of not being able to wear my normal clothes.

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