A Mothers Rage

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Trey POV

Kylie: You have to stay on your side daddy." she sorrowed as I colored over my lines.

Me: My bad baby girl." I said erasing it. With Kylie sitting on my lap, we colored together as we sat in the hospital room with her mother.

It took me a while to figure out what to tell Kylie about her mother, seeing her like that I know it would confuse her and telling her the honest truth was not something she needed to hear.

Kylie believed that her mother had gave birth to her siblings and was resting, the bruises and fixtures to keep Megan stabilized were just tools I told her helped her mother become better.

When she came into the room, I was expecting her to cry seeing her mother like this.

Instead, she smiled and kissed her mother's forehead before asking me to color with her. Glancing up at M and her monitor's, her vitals and everything looked fine.

She looked fine.

Besides her bruising, I was not sure why she had not woken up yet. The fall she took was heavy, but it had almost been 3 weeks now and M was not up.

I did my best not to worry about that shit, I did my best not to think negatively but the more the hours and the days passed, the more I heard Bleu and Kianna up and about, Megan being the only one still down was slowly eating at me.

It was kinda like I wanted to shake her awake myself, like she was pretending to be asleep like she does at home until I woke her up.

Looking back down at the coloring book with Kylie, I grabbed a blue crayon to join her again.

Kylie: No daddy make that green." she stopped.

Me: You want the ocean green baby?"

Kylie: Yes, it's a magical lake." she said proudly as I smirked.

Me: Whatever you say baby girl." I chuckled as I put the blue color back.

   Grabbing the green out of the bag, I began to color her "magical lake" the color she wanted. Glancing at her side of the coloring book, I smirked again as all the animals she colored were different colors.

She was in her own world with her coloring and I liked that she had a creative mind.

Sitting in our silence again, a soft tap on the sliding door made me look up. To my surprise, Waylon was at the door with a gentle smile on his face.

Me: Hol on right quick baby." I said placing Kylie into the seat next to me. Placing the bag of crayons in my chair, I turned for the door to let him in.

Me: Wow." I slicked as he had a bouquet of roses in his hand.

Me: I could not be more grateful."

Jack: These are for Megan." he said coming in. Closing the sliding door behind him, he turned to her with a look of sadness that everyone had for her.

Jack:..I heard about what happened." he mumbled as I cut my eyes away.

Jack: You good?"

Me:..Getting there." I nodded.

Me: Still a processes."

Jack: I know." he said.

Clutching the roses in his hand, he placed them on the counter neatly as I sat back down.

Jack: Has the doctors said anything?"

Me: Na, they just keep saying that she will wake up soon." I mumbled.

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