A Date With Commissioner Tate

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Trey POV

Buckling the diamond chain around my wrist, I made sure it was tight before fixing my collar.

The clean white shirt and khaki pants was different for me but so was this meeting. Commissioner Tate was coming today, him and his wife. Looking over at mine, she was sound asleep in the middle of the bed.

She was suppose to be joining me but these last few days she has been detoxing from all the shit she put in her body.

Drinking all she did, she was throwing up nonstop until 3:30 pm yesterday evening. The rest of the time until now, she has been asleep.

Looking back in the mirror, I made sure I was good for a final time before turning the bathroom light off.

Walking back into the room, I gathered my things as my door opened. I knew it was my daughter as her little footsteps ran past me.

Running circles around my leg, I smirked as I grabbed my keys off the dresser.

Me: You are up early." I stated as she climbed on the bed.

Watching her in the mirror, I watched as she carried her stuff bear in her hand while she crawled over to her mother. Leaning over her, Megan groaned as I shook my head at Ky.

Me: Babygirl, give Mom some space." I warned as Kylie pouted.

Kylie: What is wrong??"

Me: Nothing is wrong, Mommy is just sick." I said turning to them. Plopping her butt back on her knees, she looked at her mother sadly.

Me: Have you eaten?"

Kylie:..No." she mumbled looking at her Mom still.

Me: Head downstairs and go eat. Cersi made breakfast." I told her.

Kylie: But I am not hungry noww." she whined.

Me: Aight well I still need you to head downstairs baby girl."

Kylie: But-."

Me: Ky." I stopped as she hung her head. Crawling off the bed, she now barely held her teddy bear in her hand as she sadly left the room.

It bothered me a lot that I had to kick my daughter out, but I needed to make sure Megan was good before Commissioner Tate and his wife came over.

Turning back to the mirror, I grabbed some paperwork off of it as I heard the bed shuffle.

Megan: She could have stayed.." her voice let out as I read the papers.

Me: You need rest, she wanted to play." I said lowly. Rolling over in the bed, I glanced at her as she sat up.

Rubbing her head, she winced as I took my stare away from her. Landing her eyes on me, I knew her questions were about to start.

Megan: You look nice." she complimented.

Me: Thank you." I said plainly.

Megan: Where are you going?"

Me: Out back on the boat." I said.

Megan: On the boat? With who?"

Me: Commissioner Tate and his wife." I answered as she sat up more.

Megan: His wife? She'll be there?"

Me: Yep." I popped the P. The silence in the room made me look up as she furrowed her eyebrows at the bathroom door.

Megan: I have to figure out what to wear.." she said making me spin around now.

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