Megan The Grinch

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Kianna POV

Rolling over in the bed, his alarm clock annoyed me as I cursed it.

Me: Bleu." I groaned as it kept going. Hissing under my breath, I opened my eyes as his spot in the bed was missing.

Cursing him, I leaned over the bed and turned off his alarm clock for him. Looking at the time, I sighed as it was 6:30 in the morning.

Me: Stupid ass." I hated as I climbed out. Going to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth as I heard him downstairs in the kitchen.

Bleu: If he can endorse that would be great." he said on the phone as he came up the steps. Spitting the toothpaste out, I rinsed my face as he stopped in front of the bathroom door.

Bleu: I am sure Mr. Davidson would love to bargain then." he smiled.

Bleu: Alright, you have a good morning." he said. Hanging up the phone, he frowned at the bed before turning to me as I folded my arms.

Bleu: Damn, my bad baby." he said as he knew my scowl was for him.

Me: You always forget to turn it off." I whined.

Bleu: I'mma get better at it, I promise." he said as I gave him a face.

Me: You said that the last time and the last last time." I loathed as he walked up to me.

Grabbing my waist, his smirk made me blush as I tried to keep this sassy demeanor going.

Bleu: I will do better, I promise." he repeated.

Me: Mhm." I smiled as he kissed me. Kissing my lips a few times, he slapped my ass before letting me go.

Bleu: I gotta head in early today and meet with Commissioner Tate." he said as I reared my head back.

Me: Commissioner, okayyy." I cooed as he fanned me off.

Bleu: Trey wants him to be an endorser for Dividends." he said.

Me: Why a commissioner though?" I asked as he eyed me.

Me: Come on babe we talked about keeping things away from one another." I pleaded. Sucking his teeth, he turned for the bathroom mirror.

Bleu: He never told me why he really wanted Commissioner Tate but I think it's because of the hold Anthony and Jerome had over Jordan, he wants to have his own foot in the door at the PD."

Me: And he thinks having Commissioner Tate on retainer will do that." I put together.

Bleu: Commissioner Tate oversees many districts, especially Jordan's." he said.

Bleu: Trey wants to keep en eye on him so that is why he wants him as an endorser."

Me: So wait, he is going to pay him?"

Bleu: I can't tell you anymore then that baby."

Me: Why??" I whined.

Bleu: Because the less you know, the more protected you are. I shouldn't have even said the shit I said to you now but because we agreed on something I told you. Don't go running to the girls and telling them this. Especially Megan." he said as her name rang a bell.

Me: Speaking of Megan.." I issued as he frowned.

Bleu: What?" he pressed. Biting my lip this time, he sucked his teeth at my unfairness.

Bleu: Na, I spoke up so now it's your turn. Cough it up my love." he pressed again.

Me:..I think she is unwinding." I said as he frowned.

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