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Trey POV

  Speeding down the dark road, I swung the car around the last corner it said she was on.

   Ignoring the unclearness, the streetlights whizzed by like lighting strikes as I drove at an unconscious speed.

  Coming down the road, the light was turning red but I didn't care.

   Blowing the light like before, a few honks from the cars that were about to drive honked at me and the guys as they ran the red light with me.

Careening down the road, Bleu, Kollin and Marcellious were almost neck and neck with me as the road began to narrow down.

  Slowing down and getting into a line behind me, my foot pressing the gas never lifted as we were a mile away from her location.

Seeing tail lights in the distance, as we grew closer I realized it was the car Megan and Kylie had gotten into.

   Swerving the car into a screeching halt, it slid across the pavement as I didn't even wait for it to come to a complete stop.

   Jumping out of it, I left the drivers side door opened as Bleu, Kollin and Marcellious hopped out with me.

  Without waiting for them to join me, I ran over to the car as it looked like it had been veered off of the road.

Running around to the driver's side, it was empty as the passenger was wide open. Immediately, I could tell a struggle and ensued between Jackson and Megan.

Drops and soaked-in patches of blood were decorated around the car..

Her purse was sprawled out on the floor of the passenger seat...

Her phone, her lip glosses and her essentials were everywhere on the ground as I felt myself becoming sick...

Storming around to the passenger side, I bent down as the first thing I saw was Kylie's tiny diamond necklace.

It was broken as the charm was ripped from its chain. Only a few meters away Megan's diamond necklace that I gave her on the boat was lying there as well.

It had been broken in the middle and for it to be broken in that placement, that meant that Jackson had gotten his hands around her neck...

Feeling that feeling of manic psychosis, I began to look around for anything to help me.

Me: Megan!" I yelled into the night as my voice answered me back.

Me: KYLIE!" I shouted again.

Answered back with my voice again, I gritted my teeth as neither of them responded to me..

Bleu POV

Flaring my nose at the tingle of tears forming in my eyes, I looked over at my best friend as he slumped his whole body over.

Pressing his hands over his knees for support, Kollin rubbed his back as he started to lose it.

Usually he was more able to keep himself sane in situations like this but this one was a bit different.

Megan and Kylie were both gone and Kylie was just a baby. He's daughter and his wife were missing and that was enough to make any man psychotic.

Kollin:..We're gonna find them Trey-."

Trey: Na that shit said they was right here."

Kollin: Aight so that means they are somewhere-."

Trey: THEN WHERE!" he shouted as he pushed Kollin off.

Trey: WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?" he angrily let out as Kollin said nothing.

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